Wolflin of Kamberg

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Wolflin of Kamberg
Czech name
Wolflin z Kamberka
Character info
Player Determinant
Robber Baron
Hair color
Eye color
Voiced by
Billy Rayner (English)
Roman Yetty Kobler (Czech)

Wolflin, Baron of Kamberg (Czech: Wolflin z Kamberka), was a distant cousin of Sir Bernard (the two share the same great grandfather - Urban, Baron of Oleshna), who came to the attention of Sir Hanush of Leipa after a violent dispute over land with another cousin, Sir MiIota of Oleshna, beginning Robber Baron. He indicates that he once knew Sir Radzig Kobyla.


Speech.png Charisma.png Strength.png
14 16 17


According to legend, Wolflin’s family was cursed. Wolflin’s father, Wilhemn, was apparently so disfigured and terrifying that Bernard's family's servants refused to go near him, even if it meant a whipping. Bernard claims that his hideous visage came after Wilhemn's mother, Countess Barbora of Haugwitz, who hated his father, tried to have a wise woman abort the child, but instead she gave birth to quintuplets. Four of the babies died, but Wilhemn lived - leading to rumors that he was really the child of the Devil, put there by a witch.

Wolflin himself was born while seven friars prayed over his mother, and although he was a normal looking child, he was wild and unpredictable. Wolflin eventually left the country and was presumed dead - according to rumours, he was hanged after plundering the home of a bishop in Silesia. The loss of his son caused Wilhemn, an otherwise reasonable man, to lose his mind. When Wolflin resurfaced some years after his father's death, the rumours were that he had died, but it wasn't enough to kill a spawn of the Devil.

Wolflin parlays with Henry

During Robber Baron, Henry may choose to parley with Wolflin. When questioned, Wolflin claimed he was only trying to take back his rightful land after Milota schemed against him, forcing his ailing father to claim both Wilhemn and Wolflin were possessed by the devil, robbing him of his inheritance. He points out that with the country in turmoil and the King being held captive, there is no court who will hear his claim, and by the time the war is over, no one will care who is Lord of Oleshna.

He also reveals that many of the stories told by Bernard were exaggerated or even false - his grandmother never tried to abort his father, as she was deeply in love with his grandfather, and there were often multiple births in the family, so there was no magic involved in her having quadruplets. He has no real quarrel with Hanush, but he will consider everyone who assist Milota as his enemy. He is open about the fact he is no better than the rest of his hated family, but that doesn't mean he's going to let people get away with robbing him.

Henry can either take place in an attack against Wolflin’s camp, leading to his death, or else negotiate with him to leave. Ideally, you can convince Wolflin to leave the land, as well as all the loot, with some coin for Hanush to compensate him for the trouble - you can even promise that you'll ensure Hanush gets the truth out of Milota, and perhaps things can be worked out. But if you're not a good diplomat, it may be better to let Wolfin leave with the loot, although Bernard and Hanush are less than pleased.




  • He carries a unique variant of the Heavy shield. To obtain it, Wolflin must die, either by duel, or battle.
  • If Henry decides to take on the bandits by himself and lures the bandits out of the camp, Wolflin will remain in the camp can be killed in a 1vs1 fight after routing his gang.