A Costly Brawl

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A Costly Brawl is a side quest in Kingdom Come: Deliverance. During A Friend In Need..., Henry decides to investigate why his friends Fritz and Matthew owe the monastery money for their treatment after the attack on Skalitz.


The monastery wants Fritz and Matthew to pay for treatment? That doesn't seem right to me.


  • Find out why Fritz and Matthew owe the Monastery
    • Persuade Elias to let them off their debt.
      • Tell Fritz the news


While traveling to Sasau, Henry is reacquainted with his friends Matthew and Fritz, who survived the Attack on Skalitz, sparking A Friend In Need... They mention that the monks threw them out of the monastery, claiming they owe money.

Fritz attacks Henry

You can ask Fritz why the monks aren't fulfilling their vow of charity, but he'll refuse to answer. Press him, and he'll admit that they beat someone up, but he clearly doesn't want to talk about it. If you continue to ask any prying questions, he'll let slip and confess that it was Brother Elias - but quit while you're ahead, because if you keep asking him, he'll lose his temper and attack you.

Of course, if you don't want to argue with your old friend, go to the Monastery and ask around. Nobody seems to know much about the fight except Johanka, who rages about Fritz, Matthew, and "that cretin", Elias, and how he smuggled alcohol into the Monastery so the three of them could get drunk.

Go to the infirmary and seek out Brother Elias. He's still quite ticked off about being attacked, but, with some persuasion, he will agree that if Fritz and Matthew come and apologize, the debt will be forgiven. Or, pay the 100 Prague Groschen debt yourself.

Talking to Brother Elias

Elias' Stats

Speech.png Charisma.png Strength.png
5 4 5

Go back to the Inn and tell Fritz that the situation has been resolved.


  • If you agree to drop the issue before starting the quest, it does not appear as though you get a second opportunity. You can still go talk to Johanka to start the quest.

ru:Дорогая драка