Battle of Pribyslavitz

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The Battle of Pribyslavitz is a fictional battle which took place in Pribyslavitz during the mission Baptism of Fire.


After the Neuhof massacre a group of Rattay guards commanded by Sir Bernard and with the help of Henry of Skalitz went to investigate how did the event unfold.

They managed to discover, by researching in lot of towns, that the attackers were formed by a huge grup, Runt's gang, and a small one, Pious' gang, which had only four members. Henry of Skalitz questioned some of Pious' gang members, and eventually managed to discover and explore where the bandit camp was, in Pribyslavitz.

He then went to Sir Radzig Kobyla in order to tell every information he got about the camp. Sir Radzig then ordered him to go to Talmberg in order to demand help to Sir Divish of Talmberg and ask Sir Hanush of Leipa for some reinforcements. The troops of three lords were about to match a battle.

The battle started on the old Pribyslavitz bridge, with the bandits archers throwing arrows on the Skalitz troops, but they didn't have much as soon the troops reached the other side of the creek. As the Skalitz troops fought on the central side, the Talmberg ones dealt with the other side.

Then they broke through the cuman camp defence, consisting of a wagon. After burning the hay the archers were no longer a problem, so all of the cumans were slaughtered.

The last part of the battle consisted in a final siege on the church, where the last bandits and Runt were hidden. The attack was thwarted once more by some bandits which escaped from the battles before, but even this hindrance was superated, and the lords' troop managed to get inside the church.

Runt ordered the soldier to resist as much as possible while he ran to the top of the church. Henry followed him and dueled him. After a hard fight Runt was defeated by Henry, who accidentally killed him in his complete rage. So the battle of Pribyslavitz ended.


The battle of Pribyslavitz didn't finish the Skalitz-Sasau region bandit threat. In fact, it postponed its peak, as the chief organised a new camp, and this time he was a bit more careful on his moves. If Henry didn't reach the Pribyslavitz camp the menace would probably have come from North instead of from Vranik.