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Beggar is a society codex entry in Kingdom Come: Deliverance.

Beggars survive by begging for food or money from passersby in Kingdom Come: Deliverance, particularly in Rattay.

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Although beggars were on the margins of society, they had their indelible place in it. In the cities, there were hospitals earmarked for them and the Church also provided assistance. Begging was allowed at cemetery gates and in front of churches and each beggar could occasionally go to the baths at municipal expense. Some monks were regulars among the beggars, too - called almsmen or mendicants. The beggars were well-known and tolerated in their communities, but by contrast, it was believed that foreign and wandering beggars bought misfortune. There was seldom any shortage of alms, because charity and gifts to the poor were considered prerequisites for salvation.

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Notable Beggars