Beggars' Feast

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Beggars' Feast is an activity in Kingdom Come: Deliverance. The leader of the Silver Skalitz refugees, Alex, asks Henry to do a bit of poaching for him.

You will need a bow and arrow to go hunting.


Alex, the leader of the Skalitz refugees, asked me to hunt down some game for them. That's poaching, but a man should help his neighbour.



After the destruction of Skaltiz by the Cumans, the surviving refugees flood the streets of Rattay, much to the dismay and annoyance of the locals. Alex, the spokesmen for the Skalitz survivors, is desperate to see his people safe and fed. The local Rattay burghers have recently approached him with an offer - if he can supply them with wild game (forbidden to all but the nobility), they will give the refugees basic supplies. Unfortunately, Alex dares not risk sending any of the survivors hunting, as Lord Hanush would likely order the whole camp to leave his city.

Boar hunting spot south of Rattay

However, Alex points out that Henry is a favourite of Lord Radzig, and has already been permitted to go hunting with young Lord Hans Capon himself. Henry agrees to help, and Alex asks him to go and catch some hare for the local tailor.

Hares are abundant and easily hunted, so grab yourself a bow and arrow and head to the nearest woods. Once you've got enough hare meat, take it back to Alex and he'll give you 55 Prague Groschen.

Next, Konrad Hagen has requested some boar meat. Boars are a bit trickier to get - first, you'll need to find one of their hunting grounds. Luckily, there's one just south of Rattay. Once you have taken out the boar, return the meat to Alex for another 55 Prague Groschen.

Local roe deer and red deer hunting spots.

Alex's next 'order' is from the Master Armourer, who wants roe deer venison. There's a hunting spot to the east of Rattay that's perfect for roe deer, who are pale in colour and very flighty. Once again, the meat is worth 55 Prague Groschen.

Finally, you'll need to hunt some red deer for one of the local innkeepers. The local hunting spot is a bit further east than where you hunted the roe deer. Go hunt your prey and come back with the meat. Alex will pay you the final 55 Prague Groschen, and tell you you've helped your people greatly.


  • You will lose reputation with the Rattay Citizens and Rattay soldiers when you deliver the game meat to Alex.