
From Kingdom Come: Deliverance Wiki
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Dogs are a type of domestic animal found in Kingdom Come: Deliverance, evidently some early form of Mastiff. They are owned as pets by many of the people in the region, for the primary purpose of alerting their masters to anyone approaching. Dogs can be quite a nuisance in sneak missions, as their barking will bring someone to investigate.

However, it is possible to drop raw meat near dogs, who will eat them and then not bark. Putting potions on the meat, such as Bane potion, will cause the dogs to succumb to their effects.

As of the A Woman's Lot DLC, dogs are now owned by the various enemies in Bohemia and will attack you and your new dog companion on their owners' command.

They can be hunted, but any items harvested from them are considered stolen, as dogs belong to the villagers. Poaching is also a crime, so Henry should be careful about who sees him, or who he tries to sell to.

Notable Dogs


  • With the A Woman's Lot DLC, Mutt has become a recruitable Sidekick and is able to follow Henry on his adventures and heed his commands! Mutt is the only recruitable/obtainable sidekick in KC:D, and is able to interacted with and commanded to do a variety of things.