Everyday Labours

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Everyday Labours
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Everyday Labours is a lore book in Kingdom Come: Deliverance. You will need it to complete In the Cloister.


Schedule of daily activities in the monastery for novice Gregor.

How to Obtain


Brother Novices,

The following Schedule describes the daily Activities you shall attend to in your first years in our Monastery. Order and discipline are the cornerstones upon which the Order of Saint Benedict is built. Any Violations of the schedule (thus marked: !) shall be disciplined by the Punishment of solitary confinement. When it is meditation you seek, prayer and study can be substituted for food and sleep.

3 a.m. start of the day

4 a.m. morning prayer (!)

6 a.m. common meal

8 a.m. work in the fratery (!), assigned by Brother Nevlas

12 noon. work in the library (!), assigned by Brother Librarian

4 p.m. afternoon worship (!)

6 p.m. vespers, common supper

7 p.m. compline, free time before retiring

9 p.m. rest and nighttime curfew

Jesus Christ be praised!

Father Demetrius (Prior)