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Fabrics is a General Codex entry in Kingdom Come: Deliverance.

Fabrics serve no purpose for the player, apart from being sold, and are listed as other items.

See also Clothing and Fashion.

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Fabrics were made from plant and animal fibres. Bast fibres especially were used from the very beginning (from willow and linden trees) as well as various grasses. Later on, particular plants were selectively cultivated to be particularly suitable for cloth production, such as flax or hemp. Hemp fibre is tough, rougher and darker than flax, but unyielding; hence not too suitable for clothing and better utilized for ropes and strings. Cotton was unknown in Europe until the late Middle Ages.

The most widely used animal fibre was wool, for its good insulation properties, high absorbency, flexibility and ease of dying. It was combed or shorn from sheep. A highly prized and rare import from Asia was silk.

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Types of fabrics
Image Name Weight kg dk.png Prague Groschen
Brocade.png Brocade 2 200
Damask.png Damask 2 250
Brocade.png Fine brocade 0 0
Flemish cloth.png Flemish cloth 2 270
Linen cloth.png Linen cloth 2 30
Satin.png Satin 2 50
Wool fabric.png Wool fabric 2 45