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Inquisition is a general codex entry in Kingdom Come: Deliverance.

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The inquisition was founded in the 12th century primarily as a reaction to the widespread Albigensian (Catharist) heretical movement. Although it was originally intended to serve as an instrument for disciplining the clergy, later (after the Fourth Lateran Council in 1215), its main mission was to combat heresy. The Papal Inquisition in the 1230s was directly subordinated to the Pope and thus became more or less a separate power, because it was anwserable only to itself and the Pope.

The Inquisition's main tasks were to seek out heretics, interrogate them and convict them or redeem them, and to deliver the unredeemed to secular power for punishment. The term "inquisition" - to investigate or enquire.

When an inquisitor arrived in a diocese, he would usually report to the bishop, and subsequently serve a solemn mass and make a sermon. He would then hear reports from the people about heresy. Heretics were allowed a period of grace (usually 10-30 days) in which they could give themselves up and beg forgiveness. The inquisitor would then assess the reports he had received and convene the actual trials, which would either confirm or overturn the accusations.

Although in general awareness the Inquisition is frequently associated with cruel procedures, fanaticism and profound fear of the inquisitors, in reality the intention of the Inquisition and its work was focused on rationalizing and legalising trials of heretics and suppressing the practice of trial by ordeal. Therefore, Inquisition trials were based mainly on testimonies and the interrogation of the accused. The latter, however, had almost no rights and could be subjected to torture.

Sometimes informing on people to the Inquisition was used as a means of solving personal disputes, and it was then up to the inquisitor's judgment to decide how to deal with the complaint. However, the Inquisition process ensured that accusations made against the accused by persons known to have a personal conflict with him or her would no be taken into acoount.

The Inquisition trial took place and any information revealed during it was not to be made public. In addition to this principle of secrecy, the trials also upheld the principle of writing everything down and keeping records for the nedd of the Inquisition. These records were later checked by other persons also present at the proceedings to prevent any manipulation of testimonies.

In KCD, we tried to stick as close as possible to an actual trial, but took artistic license, for exemple, with the principle of secrecy, since we allowed Henry to play an active role in the proceedings. We also sped up the entire process.

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