Jaroslav of Bezmíře and Benešov

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Jaroslav of Bezmíře and Benešov is a characters codex entry in Kingdom Come: Deliverance.

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Jaroslav of Bezmíře (aka of Benešov) was appointed an auxiliary Bishop of Sarepta by Pope Boniface IX in 1394, at which time he was a Bachelor of Theology, then a very high level of eduction. He probably completed his studies later, sometime around 1403-1409.

He became an inqusitor sometime before 1408. In 1409-1410 he defended the position of Prague Archbishop Zbynĕk Zajíc of Hasenburg and his actions against the teachings of John Wycliffe before the Roman Curia.

During his career as inquisitor, he came into conflict with Jan Hus and his progressive ideas. He later participated in the trial in Bologna that resulted in the condemnation and burning of John Wycliffe's books. He was also named as a witness in a document demanding a harsher denounciation of Jan Hus for not attending the Bologna trial, although he himself had requested it.

We know little of Jaroslav after this point, and it is assumed he was living abroad.

The Papal Inquisition had been operating in Bohemia since 1257, when two Francisian inquisitors arrived at the request of King Přemysl Otakara II, and continued intermittently until the Hussire Revolution.

In KCD we decided to make use of Jaroslav as a very active inquisitor, although the period of the game is somewhat earlier than the time that he was appointed and active as a Papal Inquisitor according to historical sources. As a titular bishop, however, he could have presided over trials if it was requested.

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