Kingdom Come: Deliverance II codex

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The Kingdom Come: Deliverance II codex is an in-game reference guide providing detailed information on the historical setting, key events, figures, and aspects of medieval life. It serves as a valuable resource for players looking to immerse themselves in the game's world, offering insights into the culture, politics, and daily life of 15th-century Bohemia.

Codex structure

The codex is divided into several categories, each focusing on a different aspect of the game’s world:

General codex

The General section of the codex provides an overview of various aspects of medieval life and the game's world. It also features several entries about the game's mechanics and gameplay elements. There are a total of 86 general codex entries.

  1. Armour
  2. Beverages
  3. Combat Technique
  4. Dugout Shelters
  5. Municipal Finances
  6. Pennants and Banners
  7. Sources of Light
  8. Towns and Cities
  9. Weapons

Character codex

The Character section focuses on key figures, both historical and fictional, encountered in Kingdom Come: Deliverance II. There are a total of 31 character codex entries.

  1. Jan Ptáček (Hans Capon)
  2. Otto III von Bergow
  3. Sir Hanush of Leipa
  4. Sir Markvart von Aulitz

Society codex

The Society section delves into the structure of medieval Bohemian life. It explains the social hierarchy, roles of different classes, religious practices, and daily routines. There are a total of 67 society codex entries.

  1. Burghers
  2. Drinking Water
  3. Food
  4. Greetings

Crafts codex

The Crafts section explores the trades and skills vital to medieval life, including blacksmithing, alchemy, and farming. There are a total of 35 crafts codex entries.

  1. Armoursmiths
  2. Beekeeping
  3. Blacksmiths
  4. Malters and Brewers
  5. Swordsmiths and Armourers
  6. Taverns, Inns, and Innkeepers
  7. Winegrowers

Event codex

The Events section details significant historical occurrences and in-game events that impact the world of Kingdom Come: Deliverance II.

Location codex

The Locations section highlights important towns, castles, and landmarks in the game. Each entry provides historical or in-game context.

