Kingdom Come: Deliverance tutorial codex

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The tutorial codex is game information featured in Kingdom Come: Deliverance, which can be unlocked by questioning certain characters and completing certain quests. There are 29 tutorial codexes, which can guide the player through the various aspects of the game.


*There are still 5 missing entries from this list.

  1. Alchemy
  2. Alcohol and Drunkenness
  3. Basic Combat
  4. Basic Controls
  5. Character Skills
  6. Character Stats
  7. Combat: Advanced Techniques
  8. Crime and Reputation
  9. Dice
  10. Equipment Maintenance
  11. Food and Poisoning
  12. Horse
  13. Items and Equipment
  14. Lockpicking
  15. Pickpocketing
  16. Quests and Journal
  17. Rattay Tournament
  18. Reading
  19. Shopping and Haggling
  20. Speech and Persuasion
  21. Stealth
  22. Surrender
  23. Tiredness and Waiting
  24. Wounds and Healing
  25. ?
  26. ?
  27. ?
  28. ?
  29. ?