Kingdom Come Deliverance Wiki:Manual of Style/Location

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This is the article's intro. General information and/or a brief overview of the location here, with the first mention of the item in bold face.

== Background ==
== Points of interest ==
== Inhabitants ==
== Notable loot ==
== Related quests ==
== Notes ==
== Gallery ==


Big Quote Left.png
EXAMPLE: This town stinks!
Big Quote Right.png
- Unofficial description

Describe the characteristics and history of the location if applicable, and use the {{BigQuote}} template for any notable quotes about the location.

Points of interest

List any points of interest or landmarks, such as butchers, traders, etc.


List down the notable named inhabitants of this location.

Notable loot

List down any notable loot in this location.

Related quests

If applicable, list down the quests that are related to this location.


  • Add notes about the location, containing interesting things about the quest which do not fit into the other categories. You can write how strong or how the item is the best or worst, providing it can be proved using in-game statistics and not just opinion.


Use <gallery> </gallery> to display the pictures in a table. Keep images focused on the subject matter without too many other characters, items and objects. It should only primarily feature the location, and Henry if necessary.