Kingdom Come Deliverance Wiki:Projects

From Kingdom Come: Deliverance Wiki
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The policies below are based upon the Warcraft Wiki projects page.

A Kingdom Come: Deliverance Wiki project is a group effort where editors come together to enhance a collection of articles focused on a specific topic.

Projects offer several clear benefits:

  • They help ensure consistency and quality across articles related to a particular subject.
  • They create a central space where like-minded editors can work together.
  • They provide new users with a convenient starting point to get involved in areas they are passionate about or knowledgeable in.

Projects are not intended to give any group of editors special control over certain articles. Instead, they are a collaborative tool designed to bring people together. All standard Kingdom Come: Deliverance Wiki policy still apply.

How do projects work?

Every project has a dedicated page within the Kingdom Come Deliverance Wiki namespace that outlines its purpose, participants, operational details, and current progress. It acts as the main hub for all project-related activities, while its talk page is used for discussions and coordination. Each project is led by a project leader — typically the person who initiated the project. Anyone is free to join and participate the project, and excluding certain users is highly discouraged and frowned upon.

How do I start a project?

Before starting

  • Make sure that the project you want to start does not already exist. Your idea may already be similar or encompassed by one that is present and active.
  • Make sure the new project has a broad enough purpose and scope to sustain the project. Don't create a project if your only goal is to focus on one or two articles in particular.
  • Projects should be clearly named, with a well-defined purpose and a specific, unambiguous scope.

Starting a project

  • To kick off your new project, start by creating the project page. Make sure to include all the necessary details — without a clear description of the project's goals, it will be hard to attract contributors.
  • Establish guidelines for how the project will operate. A project is meant to be a collaborative effort, so it's important to reach a consensus on how things should be done. Your project will be disorganized if you allow everyone to work independently and outside the guidelines of your project.
  • Define the exact scope of the project, specifying which pages will be affected.
  • Make sure to categorize your project appropriately. If it is a major project, categorize it in Kingdom Come: Deliverance Wiki projects. If it is a personal project, categorize it in Personal projects.

Create your project page

Enter a clear name of your project, and let's get to work on making our wiki a better place for all!

Project directory

An alphabetized list of projects can be found in the Kingdom Come: Deliverance Wiki Projects category. Furthermore, small projects maintained by individuals can be found in the personal projects category. However, for convenience, a list of major projects is listed below.

Major projects