Liturgical Items

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Liturgical Items is a General Codex entry in Kingdom Come: Deliverance.

Liturgical items serve no purpose for the player, apart for selling them, and are listed as other items.

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Church fixtures and fittings comprised the liturgical devices used in Church services and statues, paintings and frescos, which served to enlighten the uneducated populace in simple terms about Biblical stories and religious observance.

Pulpit — the raised platform from where the priest gives sermons or readings.
Altar — where the sacrifice of Communion is consecrated. This could be in the main or side aisle, often highly ornate.
.Ciborium — the receptacle for the Eucharist, the transformed sacred host
Chalice — the Eucharistic goblet for the wine (transformed into the blood of Christ)
Paten — the shallow bowl or plate used to hold the sacred host (body of Christ)
Monstrance — the ornate casket to hold the Eucharist (host)

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Liturgical items
Image Name Weight kg dk.png Prague Groschen
Communion chalice.png Communion chalice 2 250
Decorated Silver Goblet 1.png Decorated silver goblet 0.8 110
Decorated Silver Goblet 2.png Decorated silver goblet 0.6 90
French alter candle.png French altar candle 0 1
Glass goblet.png Glass goblet 0.5 10
Gold cross.png Gold cross 4 650
Ornamented golden goblet.png Ornamented golden goblet 2 350
Silver goblet.png Silver goblet 0.6 70
Small golden goblet.png Small golden goblet 1 150
Venetian glass chalice.png Venetian glass chalice 0.5 65