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Lubosh, commonly known as Limpy Lubosh, is a minor character in Kingdom Come: Deliverance. He was a citizen of Uzhitz. He was a poor crofter, a drunk, and a crook, getting into all sorts of trouble, including a brawl that resulted in the injury that caused his limp. He was known to be a loner, not associating with anyone else in the town.


While investigating the attack on Neuhof, Henry became suspicious of reports about a man with a limp with was rumoured to be one of the bandits. He tracked down the limping man to Limpy's home, but he arrived too late.

As he approached the house, he noticed a crowd of townspeople gathered outside, including the Bailiff. Henry introduced himself as in the service of Sir Hanush of Leipa, and explained he was investigating the Neuhof attack. The Bailiff opened the door to Lubosh's house to reveal his mutilated corpse, with his arms nailed to the walls and a wound in his stomach deep enough for his guts to spill out.

Henry immediately launches an investigation into Lubosh's death. Although many of the villagers denied knowing anything about the incident and Henry learns that he recently started attending the Church of Uzhitz, and met with the parish priest.

Godwin explains that Lubosh wasn't necessarily a bad person, but merely a lost soul that turned to crime due to all the recent trouble going on in Bohemia. If Henry is able to deliver a successful sermon the following day, Godwin reveals what Lubosh had confessed to him: that he was indeed on the bandits' side during the massacre, but neither him nor his friends wanted to kill anyone. He mentioned the nicknames of his cronies, namely Reeky, Pious and Timmy.

Alternatively, Henry can have a look in the Black Chronicle in Rattay. There, he discovers of a crime committed by Lubosh, Reeky and Tonda from Vlashim. With new lead, Henry can start tracking down Reeky, thus beginning On the Scent.


  • The character's name changes depending on your language settings, to emphasise his nickname. For example, in German, he is "Hinkender Heinz".
  • Lubosh was likely a poacher, because he had stored a couple of animal hides in his shed.
  • His gambeson can be found under a pile of straw next to his body in his house.
  • His longsword can be found behind a log pile near his body in his house.