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Woyzeck was the miller of Kohelnitz. Like some of the other millers, he could also trade - sorry, store - stolen items, and was a trainer in Stealth.


He was a friend of Peshek, who owned the mill of Rattay, and Simon of Katzek Mill. Peshek described him as young and hot blooded, but despite his bad temper, well intentioned. Apparently, he's the sworn enemy of the ursurer, Wolfram Pruda.

During The Good Thief, Henry will need to acquire the dead man's ring, and deliver it to Woyzeck. To Henry's frustration, he throws the ring away, calling it a "useless bauble." As it turns out, stealing the ring was just a test, and now that Henry's proven his worth, the millers will be willing to offer him more thieving work.

Henry can speak to Woyzeck during A Friend In Need... to see if he might have some work for Fritz and Matthew, but he is not able to assist you.



