Thick as Thieves - Woyzeck

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Thick as Thieves - Woyzeck is an activity in Kingdom Come: Deliverance. The Miller Woyzeck sets Henry three different tasks, all of which involve stealing various items. Similar quests are offered by Peshek and Simon, two other millers.

It might help to take some Padfoot potions, and you'll need lockpicks.


Woyzeck is another miller making unlawful money on the side. He might have some work for me.


  • Steal at least five waffenrocks from the Talmberg armoury (0/5).
    • (Optional) Get the keys to the Talmberg armoury (0/1).
      • Bring the waffenrocks to Woyzeck.
  • Steal a horse from the Merhojed stables.
    • Take the horse to Miller Woyzeck
      • Talk to Woyzeck about your reward.
  • Miller Woyzeck has a job for me
    • Steal the jewelry from Lady Stephanie (0/1).
      • Bring the jewelry to Woyzeck


Miller Woyzeck requests that you steal at least five waffenrocks from the Talmberg armoury. He has a score to settle with the Commander, and Sir Robard will have the man flogged if he's found to have lost them. Head north to Talmberg. If you like, steal the keys from the Commander of the Guards, or else lockpick the grey trunk in the cellar of the armoury. You'll get 250 Prague Groschen once you given them to Woyzeck.

Unlocking Stephanie's chest

Next, Woyzeck requests a strong, fine stallion from the Merhojed stables. It doesn't matter which horse you pick, even Roach or an unnamed horse will do. Ride the animal back to the mill, where Woyzeck will pay Henry 300 Prague Groschen.

The final task involves getting some exquisite jewelry for Woyzeck's wife. Unfortunately, the only noblewoman around who would have jewels like that is Lady Stephanie. The jewelry is locked in a chest in Stephanie's bedroom (near the fireplace) with a Very Hard lock on it; this requires a Lockpicking skill of 15 to attempt, so either work really hard to reach that level or get at least a skill of 10 and use the recommended Padfoot potion for the rest. Once you pick the lock, go back to Woyzeck's mill and he'll give you 350 Prague Groschen.


  • This quest can't be completed after the attack on Vranik in the quest The Die is Cast.
  • A relatively easy way to get the keys to the Talmberg armoury is stealing it from a sleeping guard in the left tower during Run!

ru:Вор вора видит издалека - Войтек