On Simony

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On Simony
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On Simony is a lore book in Kingdom Come: Deliverance.


Treatise of Master Jan Hus on Papal Simony.

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May the Pope be called a simonist and seller of indulgences? It would seem that he may not, for he is, after all, the master of the whole world, whom it behoves to take what he will and how much and to act as he pleases, and that he is the Most Holy Father, who cannot be besmirched by sin. Let it be known that many Popes have been and are heretics and otherwise evildoers and should be dethroned; and much could be written thereof...And therefore do not doubt that the Pope may be a simonist! And he who would insist that the Pope may not be accused of simony or other mortal sins, he, it seems, would raise him up above Peter and the other Apostles. And what of that, that he is the master of this world who is immune to sin and may act as he pleases? The answer to that is that the only master of this world is God and it is only He who can do all things and only He who is without sin, and not the Pope.

Perhaps you will say: "Here on Earth the Pope is the Most Holy Father!" I tell you, if you can show me proof that he truly lives most holy and does so act, that he follows Christ in poverty, in humility, in meekness, temperance, moral cleanliness and labour, then I will believe you that he is the holiest of the holy. Only instead of that I see covetousness, pride and other sins that show he truly is not holy. And what of it, that I claim something other than the rest of the world, which allows the holiness of the Pope and regards him as infallible and without sin? Who then are you to believe? I tell you: even if everyone on Earth should call him holy, while in truth he has turned away from Christ, he shall not be holy only because he is call so. It is not words, but deeds, that matter before the court of God.