On St. Wenceslas

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On St. Wenceslas
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On St. Wenceslas is a lore book in Kingdom Come: Deliverance.


A book about Prince Wenceslas and how his brother had him killed.

How to Obtain


In Bohemia there was a prince of the name Vratislaus and his wife was Drahomira. Unto them was born a son and they gave unto him the name of Wenceslas. After his father's untimely death, he was to sit upon the throne, but having yet been grown of age, his mother ruled the land in his stead and it was his grandmother Ludmila who cared for his upbringing. His brother was Boleslaus and they grew up together, although they had little in common. Through God's mercy, Wenceslas learned to read and write. Being learned of books and firm of faith, he could wield a sword as well. But above it all was peace and his country that he did love. He performed many kind acts unto the poor, clothing the naked and feeding the hungry, protecting the servants of God and having many churches erected. He was a paragon for his people and a rule that was kind above others, for with his enemies he always did negotiate with good intentions and they too did kneel before his piety. With his whole heart he exalted God and the good deeds he performed were innumerable.

Thus, it was to the surprise of none that the Devil planted the seed of hatred in many corrupted men's hearts and set them against Wenceslas. He urged them, like so many Judases, to revolt against their lord and then they did whisper to Boleslaus that his brother wished to take his life. Boleslaus, believing these words, devised a plan, out of fear and resentment, to take his brother Wenceslas' throne as well as his life.

He knew that whenever a new church was consecrated, Wenceslas would go to that place to pray. And he did thusly when on Sunday the Feast of Saints Cosmas and Damian he entered Boleslaus's [sic] castle and having attended mass, he prepared to depart for Prague. His brother, detaining him, invited him to the table to drink, but Wenceslas declined. Early in the morning, Wenceslas rose and hurried to morning mass. When in front of the church gate he met his brother he said unto him "Brother, last evening you served us well." Boleslaus then guided by the Devil, responded thusly: "And now I shall serve you even better" and as those words left his mouth, he struck Wenceslas a blow to the head with his sword. And Boleslaus's [sic] dogs set upon him as well and together with their master, they killed Wenceslas and left his broken body in front of the church. Boleslaus then sat upon his brother's throne.

Today Wenceslas has already been sainted and established to be the patron saint of the lands of Bohemia. Well call unto him in the times of darkness and to him we pray: "Saint Wenceslas, patron saint of our country, pray for us!"