On the Adamites

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On the Adamites
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On the Adamites is a lore book in Kingdom Come: Deliverance.


On the Adamite sect and its woeful end.

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On the Adamites or Naked Worshippers

In the year of our Lord 1259 a new heretical sect did come to Bohemia and settled amongst the people. The Adamites, or naturists, travelled through the land at that time. Exposing their backs, they did roll as pigs in mud and beat themselves with canes and then through the land did proceed with their nakedness and shame for all to see. They spake evil of our fatherly pastors and of the word of God when they proclaimed that "our devotion to God and our atonement be of greater worth than your praying". And they did press for the Holy Mass to be done away with for it was their belief that every soul could find its way towards the Heavenly Father without the Holy Church's guidance. And when the common people and lords alike did see this, for they were ignorant of the knowledge that it was the Devil's hand s that led the Adamites, they did join unto them and in great numbers their backs did beat. Even the women did avow themselves to these unclean deeds! Had they the desire to make their lives right with God and atonement therein receive, they should have turned to the priests. But lo! The naturists, guided by the devil Lucifer, did endeavour to replace the Holy Pope on his throne! When this news was heard in the holy city of Rome, an army was raised to smite these heretics by sword and by flame. For they were indeed nothing more than heretics.