Perfect Block

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Perfect Block is a Defence perk in Kingdom Come: Deliverance. Not to be confused with Master Strike.


You've learned to fend off the opponent's blow with a well-timed block. You'll know exactly when to block from the appearance of a green shield in the middle of the combat rose.


When locked onto an enemy, the center of the Combat Rose will turn into a green shield when the enemy attacks. If the player can press the Block key within this window of opportunity, Henry will preform the Perfect Block, which is functionally a Parry[1]. This will deflect the enemy's strike, and can then be followed up with a button input to attack. This would be a Riposte[2]. The duration of the window of opportunity will increase as skills increase.

If one activates the prompt early enough, Henry may instead preform a Master Strike, and automatically land an unblockable, undodgeable attack without the need for another input. This technique is slightly different than a Perfect Block, and is not unlocked at the same time.


This perk, along with Perfect Block, can be acquired by training with Captain Bernard at the beginning of the game.

For other unlockable non-level based combat skills, see:
