Rattay (book)

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Rattay (book)
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Rattay is a lore book in Kingdom Come: Deliverance.

See also: the town, Rattay on Sasau.


About the Town of Rattay.

How to Obtain


Nigh five hundred years have passed since the appearance of a walled settlement, which later grew into a castle guarding the borders of the land of the Zlicans and its main trade route, and even later it bloomed into a town, which, however, one-hundred-and-fifty years ago burned to the ground and was built anew in even more beautiful form, with strong walls that not even Kutna Hora or Prague need be ashamed of. The fortified town of Rattay fell under the possession of the King, and was granted as a fiefdom, and during the reign of John of Luxembourg it fell under the rule of Lord of Henry of Lipa, who then had built a lower castle that they called Pirkstein. Today, Rattay is under the administration of Hanush until young Lord Capon of Lipa reaches adulthood and unto him shall be granted the whole town and its surrounding estates as a fiefdom. In Rattay all manners of tradesmen flourish - butchers,smiths,tailors,weavers, and armourers - and great markets are held here every month. Rattay is an administrative centre and thus can afford to employ its own executioner and support a strong municipal garrison.Its large stone church is consecrated of Saint Mathew.