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Rocinante is a tier 1 horse available for purchase at the horse trader in Uzhitz.

Big Quote Left.png
That one you can have cheap. He ain't too strong, or fast for that matter. But he's as loyal as they come, though.
Big Quote Right.png
- Head Groom (Horse Trader)


  • It is the cheapest horse in the game without being free. Because of this, players may easily purchase this horse right at the start of the game, should they go to Uzhitz before The Prey.
  • Despite its low price, Rocinante has very high Courage and will gladly charge through groups of enemies, allowing Henry to safely and easily kill them from horseback even without advanced combat training. However, it has the lowest capacity and stamina out of any horse, even worse than Pebbles. Its speed is also the lowest of any purchasable horse, lower than Pebbles' and on par with several temporary horses.


  • Like the other horses, Rocinante is listed as an Easter egg.
  • Rocinante was the name of Don Quixote's horse, the protagonist from the book, "The Ingenious Gentleman Don Quixote of La Mancha" by Miguel de Cervantes.
    • And much like Don Quixote, Rocinante is a horse that mirrors the very man that mounts him. A horse that is clearly past its prime, being weak and feeble, but despite it, the courage it has is at least of worthy merit.
