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Salty is a Hunting perk in Kingdom Come: Deliverance. Not to be confused with the Alchemy perk Salted and Smoked.


Raw foods in your inventory won't spoil so fast.


  • The spoilage is slowed by 25%.
  • Only appears to affect raw "meats".
  • Overall not a very "rewarding" perk to have, mostly because it is unlocked at the same level as Forester, which is seen as the best perk of the entire skill tree.
  • As one of the only acceptations to the above, this perk can be very useful for Hunters, especially in conjunction with the perk Salted and Smoked. However using both perks is advised; Salty preserves raw meat longer until cooked, and then Salted and Smoked preserves the cooked meats much longer. See Hunting for more information.
  • Generally less useful than the Alchemy perk Salted and Smoked for meats, as raw meat with 24h till Spoilage (for example) is increased to 30h (at 25%), but cooked meat would double the base spoilage rate, then add this perk. So 24h becomes 48h after cooking, then increases to 57.5h. Smoking will increase further, and drying is already infinite.
  • This perk can serve to lower spoilage rate until cooking, so the meat can benefit more from Salted and Smoked.