Siege of Talmberg

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The Battle of Talmberg took place immediately after the Battle of Vranik during Kingdom Come: Deliverance.


After discovering that their foes, Sir Istvan Toth and Erik, had absconded with the majority of their bandit force during Payback, Henry and his allies are horrified to learn that they have been tricked, and that the enemy is heading towards the now undefended Talmberg.

Meanwhile, Istvan convinces Lady Stephanie that he is a harmless merchant traveler seeking refuge after a bandit attacked his caravan. She agrees to allow the small group in to treat their wounds, but they immediately slaughter her remaining guards and allow the rest of their army into the city.

Henry and the Lords race to Talmberg and arrive by morning. Sir Radzig manages to get inside the castle while the others engage with Istvan's men in the outer bailey. Although they are successful in pushing the bandits back, Istvan drags Lady Stephanie to the drawbridge and threatens to cut her throat. He also reveals that his men have captured Sir Radzig, who is now unconscious.

Sir Divish orders a retreat, and is shot in the arm as Istvan returns to the safety of the castle with his hostages, ordering his men to fire burning arrows and set the outer bailey of Talmberg ablaze.

Outside the walls, the men discuss what to do in order to reclaim the castle and rescue the hostages. Although Sir Hanush is in favor of an all-out attack, Sir Divish demands they proceed cautiously, lest any harm come to his wife, his friend, or the people still trapped inside. Sir Robard suggests infiltrating the castle stealthily. However, the mission was a failure. Sir Divish commands the building of a trebuchet in order to break away at the castle's walls. When the trebuchet was constructed it was used to destroy the portcullis of the castle allows the gate to be opened, and the Lords begin to retake Talmberg and kill the rest of Toth's soldiers. Though they have him cornered, Sir Hanush conducts an agreement to secure his safe departure and exile from Bohemia in exchange for Lady Stephanie and Ser Radzig.