Template:Skill check

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{{{person}}}'s stats
link=First Aid {{{firstaid}}}

Template-info.svg Documentation Edit this documentation at Template:Skill_check/doc.
This template is used to display the stats of any NPC for a skill check, and what happens in case of a success or a failure.
The supported stats are: speech, charisma, strength, bribe and first aid.
Type: {{skill check|<parameters>}} somewhere.
{{Skill check
|person   = 
|final_s  = 
|width    = 
|speech   = 
|charisma = 
|strength = 
|bribe    = 
|firstaid = 
|success  = 
|fail     = 
Parameter Status Description
person Required The name of the NPC.

Default is set to "{{{person}}}'s stats".

final_s Optional If empty, this parameter does not do anything. If not empty it changes 's stats to ' stats.

e.g. if your NPC is Hannes, imput anything in final_s to have Hans' stats instead of Hans's stats.

width Optional Template width in %.

Default is set to 40.

speech Optional Illustrated with the icon speech, the speech stat of the NPC.

Doesn't display if omitted.

charisma Optional Illustrated with the icon charisma, the charisma stat of the NPC.

Doesn't display if omitted.

strength Optional Illustrated with the icon strength, the srength stat of the NPC.

Doesn't display if omitted.

bribe Optional Illustrated with the icon groschen, the bribe amount of the NPC.

Doesn't display if omitted.

firstaid Optional
*Must be I, II or III for the links to work*

Illustrated with the icon first aid, the required skill to treat the NPC.
Doesn't display if omitted.

success Optional A description of what happens if the skill check is a success.
fail Optional A description of what happens if the skill check is a failure.


{{Skill check
|person   = Henry
|final_s  = 
|width    = 45
|speech   = 4
|charisma = 9001
|strength = 69
|bribe    = 42
|firstaid = II
|success  = Henry's come to see us!
|fail     = Henry's come to see us anyway!
Results in:
Henry's stats
Kcd first aid perk icon.png
4 9001 69 42 Prague Groschen First Aid II

Success: Henry's come to see us!
Failure: Henry's come to see us anyway!

One without all the parameters:

{{Skill check
|person   = Kunesh
|width    = 30
|speech   = 3
|strength = 3
|fail     = fist fight with Kunesh
Results in:
Kunesh's stats
link=First Aid {{{firstaid}}}
3 3

Failure: fist fight with Kunesh