The Czech Campaign in Lombardy II

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The Czech Campaign in Lombardy II
The czech campaign in lombardy ii.png
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The Czech Campaign in Lombard is a lore book in Kingdom Come: Deliverance.


The second volume treating of the glorious deeds of the Bohemian warriors at Milan

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The Czech King Vladislav killed the Milanese standard-bearer with his own hands. The Milanese, seeing that the fight against the Emperor and the Czechs was futile, appealed to King Vladislav to intercede on their behalf with the Emperor and to help find a peaceful solution. This was done, and the Milanese succumbed to the Emperor, recognised his authority and pad a large ransom, for which the Emperor left them many rights and confirmed old ones. Then the Emperor again pronounced Vladislav king and the Czechs returned home crowned with much glory and wealth.

Many great Czech houses of ancient origin commemorate their ancestors who fought so bravely at Milan. One was granted a golden ladder in their coat of arms for scaling the walls and being the first to surmount them. Jezsche of Pardubice and his cavalry were said to have forced their way into the town and pillaged there. When they were going back, the defenders in an effort to stop them hurried to lower the iron portcullis. Jezsche managed to flee the town, but the falling portcullis killed his horse, cutting it in two and he had to get back to the siege encampment on foot with his loot, for which he was given in his coat of arms a halved silver horse, which to this day the lords of Pardubice bear on their standards and shields.