The Legend of St. Dorothy

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The Legend of St. Dorothy
The legend of st. dorothy.png
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The Legend of St. Dorothy is a lore book in Kingdom Come: Deliverance.


On the virgin Dorothy and her martyrdom.

How to Obtain


Beautiful young Dorothy

Lived a life of piety.

Dorothy, a maiden fair,

a wreath of gold upon her hair.


Of gold and whitest lily

Of the Virgin Mary.

The King desired Dorothy,

And wrote to her ardently:


Fair Dorothy, wilt Thou be mine?

The world shall honour beauty Thine.

- It is another that I love,

Our Lord Jesus Christ above.


The King grew angry at Dorothy,

Put her under lock and key

And then to war he rode away,

For seven years he fought abroad

And in the eighth year he returned.

Of Dorothy he then enquired,

If she lived, or she had died.


Oh, she lives, Sir, she lives yet,

though nothing has she drunk or ate,

Dorothy they brought her in,

And made her stand before the King.


Fair Dorothy, wilt Thou be mine?

The world shall honour beauty Thine.

- It is another that I love,

Our Lord Jesus Christ above.


The angry King gave orders then

To burn her in a hot oven.

The more she baked in it though,

The fairer did she grow.

And so they took her out again,

And made her stand before the King.


Fair Dorothy wilt Thou be mine?

The world shall honour beauty Thine.

- It is another that I love,

Our Lord Jesus Christ above.


The king bade them heat up oil,

And put Dorothy in it to boil.

The longer they boiled her though,

The fairer did she grow.

And so they took her out again.

And made her stand before the King.


Dorothy, Thou wilt be mine!

The world shall honour beauty Thine.

- It is another that I love,

Our Lord Jesus Christ above.


The King, when Dorothy had spoken,

Put her on a wheel to be broken.

To God almighty she appealed.

To save her from the torture wheel.


God took mercy on Dorothy

And sent a bolt from the clear blue sky

That shook the earth with its great thunder

And smashed the torture wheel asunder.


When the King of this he heard,

He had Dorothy put to the sword.

Taken beyond the city wall

To behead her, once and for all.


Elijah she met on the way,

Who asked: Where goest Thou, Dorothy?

To the garden of Christ I go,

To pick the fruit that in it grows.


Lilies, too, I'll pick therein

Side by side with the Blessed Virgin.

If so, he said, I beg of Thee,

Wilt Thou please send some to me?


The executioner's sword on the first stroke,

Hit her neck and in twain it broke,

To the wonder of the folk.

Enraged, the executioner sword,

Raised his sword and struck once more.


Her sacred head from her neck was cloven,

And her soul departed to Heaven.

To dwell amongst the angels on high

Like a star in the night-time sky.


Down from Heaven comes a child,

A most beautiful infant mild,

In its hand a basket it carries,

Filled with wondrous fruits and berries.


Elijah, faithful friend,

This basket of fruit I bring

From the orchard heavenly

As Thy sister promised Thee,

The day that death set her free.