Treasure map XV

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Treasure map XV
Treasure map xv.png
Item information
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Treasure map XV is a treasure map in Kingdom Come: Deliverance.

Map Location

In the room of Tobias Feyfar in Rattay on Sasau :

On the second floor (one level above ground level) of Pirkstein, into the last room to the left, the map is located on your immediate right as you enter, on top of the bookcase. Entering the room is considered trespassing, and you might have to scale the nearby furniture to reach the map.

The easiest, albeit somewhat late, way to get this map is after taking Ulrich's documents to Tobias Feyfar during the main quest All that Glisters. Since Master Tobias will leave the room to speak with Sir Radzig, you can simply swipe the map after he left you behind in his room.



Treasure Location

North-East of the Kohelnitz mill, in the woods, a few dozen meters off the road.

You will find a short trail with a small burnt out house, a couple of empty sacks, and a spade. The place to dig is to the right of the house
