Unobtainable items

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Unobtainable items cannot be obtained in a regular playthrough of the game. The only way to get them would be through the use of console commands.

  • These items were either:
    • unimplemented
    • never made it to the final game
    • replaced
    • not intended for the player
Unobtainable Items
Name Use Weight kg dk.png Prague Groschen Code
Antlers.png Antlers (other version) None 4 100 e8676cb3-98a9-4a71-949e-cb463e6f7732
Bandit's plate jack.png Bandit's plate jack Body plate 9 182 4dc4999b-c8e2-c6ba-7115-b26e6f7470b5
Bandit's reinforced jack.png Bandit's reinforced jack Body plate 9 397.6 45dbc6f8-944d-7df1-dae7-985673a4aa97
Bandit's trunk key None 1 0 bfa29926-6110-405b-a59b-6320f2d15a88
Bludgeon-icon.png Bludgeon (other version) Weapon 2 66.6 11324f3e-d7f0-49f7-b39d-14622de4d410
KingdomComeRadish.png Chicken heart Food 0.2 2.5 0a78fe34-737c-4346-9762-6b3036fbc9c6
Coffee Food 2.2 0.1 ddb0fc96-be22-42d8-ba8c-ff00b68c0481
KingdomComeRadish.png Cooked chicken heart Food 0.2 2 de574125-0ff9-4d98-a1d9-74a7cf1f019c
KingdomComeRoeDeerMeat.png Cooked roe-deer venison Food 0.8 5.5 bc7771bc-5ef2-4177-8c8e-3b0e989175a4
Cream.png Cream Food 1 2 0b4e244a-e3de-4502-afd0-fb7fe309629a
Crystal meth Food 0.2 100 22eb16a0-1175-4e2e-a951-33d362e288fb
Dandelion syrup Potion 0.5 0.1 1ae018d8-f41b-482c-a679-d529f33ca335
Devil's costume Helmet 0 8 4bba347a-dc31-4836-7995-3837dbbc3187
Devil's costume Boots 0 8 41bdd901-3106-cae3-ac2b-479ef7642a9a
Devil's costume Body garment 0 8 4ce2cffc-ea72-98b0-1ffc-34c15d5ca7b0
Devil's costume Hose 2 8 41e9f784-dd0d-9329-b0e9-88d0527a2ebc
Gambeson Body garment
Green shirt Body garment 1 19 425f0fc1-64b6-f3c1-e555-844714ae1581
Henbane.png Henbane None 0.1 1 b5587dd4-f7d8-4378-9903-7626a227ca0f
KingdomComeHoney.png Honey (other version) Food 0.1 12 b6de890f-068b-4a58-b927-0860becae508
House of Zoul helmet-3.png House of Zoul helmet (Visor up variant) Helmet 6 2419 42d40a4b-b727-c518-26e1-541208b7e197
Key None 0 0 a16e6c86-2970-4106-a25b-9b4fba181972
Key None 0 0 494c8365-2984-4514-a80a-2ba575c9a2f2
Key None 0 0 7fc59505-3216-4f58-afa2-a6ad626a056f
Key None 0 0 340d4edd-cfc7-4468-8393-7255708fde80
Key.png Key to chruch steeple None 0 0 5d800ac9-fbb9-4722-aa43-3772c28b7f44
Dog lard.png Lard Food 0.4 18 60a0200f-a581-4669-bb10-24ac4a28c071
Lentil Soup.png Lentil soup (other version) Food 0.4 1.3 6198800d-2524-4b66-b9ca-b640e2ae99f5
Magic PI - mushroom Food 6.9 0.5 e63f4277-25d9-406b-90f4-cb8b79ab6dc3
Mind emfeeblement potion Potion 0.5 0.1 1322a0ca-1be1-449a-b1fa-cd7079a9ba90
Necronomicon I Book 1 10 a641eebc-261a-47c9-bf32-fb8ec0325b92
Oblivion potion Potion 0.5 0.1 e1adda6e-aba9-4de2-a50f-062432fd73df
Pastry Food 0.2 0.2 e1c06864-38e2-4bb8-a5c2-dcc52eee1c44
Pea soup.png Pea soup Food 0.4 4 501ef3d2-5d16-4f98-90bd-d40f6ff74e30
Pieceofcloth.png Piece of cloth Other women's items 0 8 4285fd0b-4e57-9fde-6264-f987ba080bb9
Beer.png Rattay Pale Food 0.5 30 55667a03-ea84-4578-ada8-6400626d86d7
Books.png Recipe None 1 0.1 4c269b41-ae42-4ac2-8d48-25f46f37847e
Brocade.png Rich brocade None bef83f22-0830-420d-a41c-51f29ad3e6db
KingdomComeBiancasRing.png Ring Ring 0.5 0 3b2f6f90-615d-4e8d-b9a4-bf04c4e99d59
Ring 0.5 0 69ff2530-2556-439f-a486-a073ee44fb61
Ring 0.5 0 6edc8135-6795-4f18-81fc-95b22503afbb
KingdomComeRoeDeerMeat.png Roe-deer venison Food 0.8 5 0fc6cac7-29e6-4753-8873-0bcbbeba5548
Servant Cap Helmet 2.5 30 33069aba-2dcf-42c4-97ea-f9c8a6f7e06e
Servant's boots Boots 2 27 c9e42db7-4f90-4b4f-89f1-b3a81e7e2108
Servant's hose Hose 4 12 5450027a-1499-4b4c-ab96-6370976fc2da
Servant's shirt Body garment 1 70 60e78fa6-2155-4f5f-8173-5fd0cfd4f314
Smoked roe venison 2.png Smoked roe venison Food 0.5 8.5 10ee7741-d121-4d3a-b342-d72920d6d90e
Strong poison Potion 0.5 0.1 6d08f32a-997e-44f1-b6b6-9caf2ade9cf3
Syrup Potion 0.5 0.1 1ae018d8-f41b-482c-a679-d529f33ca335
Test Potion: Invincible Potion 0.5 0.1 27144e47-00aa-468e-a81b-49cb3b248b07
Test Potion: Stamina Frenzy Potion 0.5 0.1 ee4d5b06-0a7e-4073-969b-b11131e97fef
Skalitz shield 1.png Test shield Shield 8 162.4 3846de6d-530b-4fcb-9d45-aac007498f04
Test soup Food 1.1 0.1 28a7c5cd-d80d-4167-ba1b-fcfc520c40b7
Tight hose (bandaged) Hose 1 28 4585d5bc-f93a-9c76-495c-405c81027491
Tight hose (bandaged) Hose 1 28 4ec7d236-6b41-409d-c960-52790b09e89f
Tiredness potion Potion 0.5 0.1 73b69372-3ccb-4bf4-bd21-94863da2654e
Wooden training axe.png Wooden training axe Weapon 4 0 e73cf113-a458-40fc-82a5-36c00f96da08
Wooden training halberd.png Wooden training halberd Weapon 5 0 49fa5ec9-92a9-4bfb-b56e-a33d04b69ee1
Wooden training sword.png Wooden training sword (strong variant) Weapon 5 120.2 e5fc1a89-9bb1-44a9-a524-c6834a5e2e76
Woyzeck's family pendant None 0 10 ff6aa5c3-4c27-4369-9aae-e72d8518c02e
Diarrhoea potion.png Diarrhoea potion Food 0.5 1 0340b85d-71b0-4314-a6c9-8856d884bc92
Herring.png Herring Food 0.5 3.8 06be2a3d-4e05-4a78-85cd-33879cd669c9
Old bastard Sword.png Old Bastard Sword Weapon 5 66.6 2c9e4731-1858-423d-a898-a15484507cb7
Short-sleeved brigandine Body plate 6 66 4d887670-13cb-746d-5e27-5d234e146cb3
Tiara.png Tiara Misc 0 0 b81080b1-3a65-4930-85f5-873c56d4ff1f