Kingdom Come: Deliverance weapons

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Weapons is a general codex entry in Kingdom Come: Deliverance.

A Weapon is an item in Kingdom Come: Deliverance that can be used offensively to cause damage or defensively to prevent it. It includes axes, bows, sabres, shortswords, hunting swords, longswords, maces, polearms and spears. Weapons can be purchased, found, gifted or stolen by Henry, and they are carried in his Main Hand.

See also Dagger, Shields and Arrows.

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Weapons made of wood, stone, bone and antler served mankind since prehistoric times. Initially, given the materials, the weapons of choice were pointed, for stabbing — spears, knives, arrows etc. Later, with developments in metalworking, bladed weapons began to emerge: daggers, axes and swords. In addition to these two traditional types, we also distinguish blunt weapons, thrown weapons, hand firearms, artillery and booby traps. In the Middle Ages there were also plenty of lances, halberds and crossbows. Rural weaponry was often derived from farming tools. From the 14th century, Europe began deploying cannon, using gunpowder (long known in China) and firearms in general began to make slow inroads. Surviving records of the use of small arms in the Czech lands date back to the reign of Wenceslas IV — they were used in 1398 during the siege of the Archbishop 's mansion in Kyie near Prague.

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Damage types and damage calculation


  • All weapons deal blunt damage + slash damage if you perform a swing.
  • All weapons deal blunt damage + stab damage if you perform a stab.


  • hunting sword
    • This type of sword deals much more blunt damage than any other sword-type weapons.
  • Axes
    • Axes deal a very balanced value of damage that is split between blunt and slash damage.
    • Some axes have a spiked end, which deals extra stab damage with stabbing attacks.
  • Maces
    • Maces deal almost exclusively blunt damage.
    • Some may have spiked ends which change the behavior of damage upon swings, in which case, their swings may deal all three types of damage when swung, as is the case with the Morgenstern, or the Raven's Beak.

Types of Weapons

Weapons include:


Main Article: Axe (Weapon).

Axes deal a very balanced value of damage that is split between blunt and slash damage.


Main Article: Bow (Weapon).

Bows are used to attck from a distance by shooting arrows.


Main Article: Dagger.

The Dagger is a special weapon which Henry cannot equip. He has to have it in his inventory in order to perform stealth kills.


Main Article: Sabre.

The Sabre is type of sword. They are lighter than the longsword although not uncommonly a similar length. The blades are thinner, sharpened on one side only and are often slightly curved. They are carried in Henry's main hand.


Main Article: Shortsword.

Shortswords are a type of sword, which are held in the main hand.

Hunting Swords

Main Article: Hunting sword.

Hunting swords are a type of sword, which are held in the main hand.


Main Article: Longsword.

Longswords are a type of sword that are held in both hands. They boast high damage and high defence values, but cannot be used at the same time as a shield.


Main Article: Mace (Weapon).

Maces are a type of weapon that deal almost exclusively blunt damage.

Polearms and Spears

Main Article: Polearms and Spears.

Polearms and Spears are a type of weapon that Henry can pick up when dropped by opponents and use them, but cannot move them into his inventory, and so they can only be dropped after use.


  • Min Agility - The minimum amount of Agility you need to properly use the weapon. If you don't have the required amount your damage will drop drastically.
  • Min Strength - The minimum amount of Strength you need to properly use the weapon. If you don't have the required amount your damage will drop drastically.
  • Stab Damage -  Amount of damage done by stab attacks.
  • Slash Damage - Amount of damage done by slash attacks
  • Blunt Damage - The amount of damage done by blunt force.
  • Power Mod - ?
  • Defense - ?
  • Charisma - Weapon charisma serves no purpose apart from raising the price of an item. 
  • Durability - The resilience of the item. Damaged weapons deal lower damage and have lower values. Items made of a better material will have a higher initial durability.
  • Weight - How much the weapon weighs. This has a direct effect on what Henry can carry in his inventory, as well as his moving speed.
