A Tight Spot

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A Tight Spot is the third sub-quest of the Kingdom Come: Deliverance DLC Band of Bastards.


We rode out on patrol, this time toward Sasau. Someone there saw an unfamiliar company of horsemen, which is something we should definitely investigate.


  • Fight your way out of there with Kuno and the others!
  • Talk to Kuno.


You'll ride out to the ford to the west of Sasau, north of the bridge. Jakey will scout ahead, and all of Kuno's band will ride after him, only to be ambushed. Fight your way out and Kuno will eventually lead you to a clearing in the forest just off the path and you'll all go your separate ways after discussing that Jakey lead you into a trap and was nowhere to be found.

You don't need to kill everyone to get free, and the archers on the west shore will generally stay where they are. Kuno's men cannot permanently die, but they can get knocked out (this is especially true of Stephan Fletching who wears little armour, but fallen allies will eventually gain consciousness). Stay with the group and once Kuno has allowed you to go your separate ways you can double back to mop up the rest and loot if you so desire. The loot is decent but not amazing. It does have a few particularly nice pieces such as Stinger on one of the west shore archers.