Thirty Pieces

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Thirty Pieces is the fourth sub-quest of the Band of Bastards DLC.


Kuno sent me to deal with the treacherous Jakey. He doesn't much care how I do it, just as long as I found out as much as possible about Hagen's plans.


  • Ask about Jakey at the Inn in the Glade.
  • Track down Jakey, beginning at the northern edge of the woods.
  • Question Jakey.


Kuno will direct you to look for Jakey at the Inn in the Glade. Once there, Andrew will tell you that Jakey was seen heading into the woods with a girl, and its possible that he may ask for something for this information if you have not previously completed Masquerade. (Note: it is also possible, depending on if and how you completed Gallows Brothers, that Andrew will not be there, in which case speak to the alehouse maid, who you will have to either convince or pay for the information.) Heading that direction you will run into Merchant Ernest who will be looking for his daughter Maria, the girl that Jakey has run off with. You can offer to help find her for him, and he will direct you. If you pass a charisma check, you can get him to pay upfront for looking for her (100 groschen).

Merchant Ernest Stats

Jakey's location and the tree you need to talk to (in case he's invisible)
Speech.png Charisma.png Strength.png
7 7 6

Although not necessary in order to locate them, you can find various clues of their activity in the woods. Look for the scarf just behind the shrubbery, then head south to a rocky outcrop where a picnic was set up. Head southeast to see fabric and flask of wine on the tree, and further south a garland. South west there's a pair of trousers in a ditch.

Head down the ditch and there's a little camp. Jakey can be seen tied to a tree just past the camp. Or not seen, as he often bugs out and becomes invisible - you can still talk to the tree however and complete the quest as normal except that while the Pinky Promise achievement can be unlocked, Torturer cannot.

Apparently, Jakey was robbed by Maria, and left in this predicament. You have multiple options:

  • Untie him (if you chose this option, and then let him go, you get the Pinky Promise achievement).
  • Pass a speech check.
  • Don't attempt the speech check, and leave him tied up for at least 12 hours. When you speak to him, he will then tell you everything (if you chose this option, and then leave him tied up you unlock the Torturer achievement).

Jakey Stats

Speech.png Charisma.png Strength.png
8 10 20

Once you have the information, you can decide whether to let him go, leave him there, or take him to Rattay for prison.

Question him, potentially passing a speech check to make him tell before he's untied. If you untie him and let him go unconditionally, he'll also tell you that Hagen Zoul intends to also bribe Kuno, who is tired of doing Sir Radzig's work for free.

Report back to Ernest who is amazingly unfazed by his daughter's crime, but more concerned that she's run off.


  • The quest is named after the 30 pieces of silver the biblical character Judas was given for betraying Christ.
  • Saving and reloading right in front of the tree occasionally makes Jakey reappear.
  • If you choose to leave Jakey for the 24 hours, the marker for the quest will sometimes show up that the quest is now back at Kuno's camp even though its still at the tree where he is tied up.
