Abbots of Sasau Monastery

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Abbots of Sasau Monastery is a characters codex entry in Kingdom Come: Deliverance.

See also the Monks of Sasau Monastery.

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A chronological list of Abbots and superiors of the monastery from its origins up until 1405. The year after the name indicates when from.

  • St Procopius 1035
  • Vitus 1053
  • Emmeram 1086
  • Božetěch 1092
  • Děthard 1097
  • Silvestr 1134
  • Božata 1161
  • Reginhard 1162
  • Unlisted
  • Blažej 1202
  • John I 1276
  • Matthew 1321
  • Přibyslav 1332
  • Albert 1354
  • Peter of Zbýšov 1377
  • John II. 1405
  • Nevlas 1405

You get the chance to meet John and Nevlas in the game, while Peter is only spoken of, but not present.

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