Brother Nevlas

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Brother Nevlas
Brother Nevlas.jpg
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Provost Nevlas, also known as Brother Nevlas, is a supporting character in Kingdom Come: Deliverance. He is a high ranking monk at the Sasau Monastery, in charge of the monastery's property. He is popular amongst the younger monks as a replacement for Abbot Peter due to his desire to introduce changes at the monastery, while the older monks consider him too radical.


With the election of a new Abbott on the horizon, Brother Nevlas has the support of the newer brothers for his plans to reform the monastery and return it to 'pure faith'. His rival, Brother John, has the support of the older brothers. Nevlas will reveal that his calls for reform are met with push-back because the older monks want to live the good life but expect the novices to pick up the slack.

As part of In the Cloister, Henry is required to report to Brother Nevlas every day at the 8th hour (as detailed in Everyday Labours), and the monk will task Henry with brewing a different potion every day.

He has an interest in medicine, and asks for Henry's help in making a potion to help the Abbot, and possibly give him a few more years of life. The issue is not only that many monks believe illness is God's will (whereas Nevlas feels if God gave them a cure, it must be to use it), but that the recipe is hidden in the forbidden books, which will require a bit of stealth to obtain, beginning Libri Prohibiti. Once you get him the book, he will give you the information needed to complete The Abbot's List.

If Henry volunteers to help Nevlas get elected, he will ask you to investigate any rule-breaking that is going on, so that he can prove he's not just going to talk about higher standards, he's going to demand it. However, it is not in his nature to "cast stones", and tell you exactly what to investigate. Henry can tell Nevlas about Siskin's treasure, Lucas being bullied, Jodok stealing wine, and the Circators drinking at night. Nevlas is particularly interested in the drinking and wine theft, and will ask you to tell the Prior what you have found out.


