Arm armour

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Arm armour is an armour slot on the body. Arm armours are a type of armour worn on the arms, as protection. It includes vambraces, pauldrons and couters.

If Henry uses a bow, with a Bow skill lower than 5, without having any kind of arm armour, the arrow will cause him damage.

Arm armour
Image Name stabStab slashSlash bluntBlunt Vis. Cons. Noise Chr. Dur. Weight kg dk.png Prague Groschen
Augsbug plate pauldrons.png Augsburg plate pauldrons 21 21 8 92 97 100 20 74 6 2670.4
Black brigandine pauldrons.png Black brigandine pauldrons 11 11 4 23 33 24 10 51 9 324.3
Brigandine dyed pauldrons.png Brigandine dyed pauldrons 11 11 4 46 48 39 10 51 9 308
Brigandine pauldrons.png Brigandine pauldrons 15 15 6 80 79 90 16 63 4 954.5
Cuman vambraces.png Cuman vambraces 11 11 4 52 55 59 4 51 3 274.5
Lamellar pauldrons.png Lamellar pauldrons 13 13 5 46 46 50 7 57 8 425.8
Leipapauldrons.png Lords of Leipa pauldrons 20 20 8 77 76 93 15 76 6 1590.6
Magdeburg plate pauldrons.png Magdeburg plate pauldrons 23 23 9 73 76 96 18 80 5 2830.1
Meissen plate pauldrons.png Meissen plate pauldrons 22 22 9 86 86 91 18 77 5 2522.8
Milanese plate pauldrons.png Milanese plate pauldrons 20 20 8 76 74 100 19 71 6 2199.3
Nuremberg plate pauldrons.png Nuremberg plate pauldrons 17 17 7 55 64 76 14 69 6 1061.2
Old plate pauldrons.png Old plate pauldrons 12 12 5 75 69 86 12 54 8 419.9
Plate couters 1.png Plate couters 7 7 3 37 39 53 9 46 2 124
Plate couters 2.png Plate couters 4 4 2 66 59 80 4 43 2 45.1
Polish plate pauldrons.png Polish plate pauldrons 15 15 6 53 59 76 13 63 7 737.9
Riveted pauldrons 1.png Riveted pauldrons 14 14 6 76 76 90 13 60 8 630
Riveted pauldrons 2.png Riveted pauldrons 14 14 6 62 66 81 15 60 8 754.3
Riveted vambraces.png Riveted vambraces 13 13 5 58 65 80 12 57 8 498.6
Saxon plate pauldrons.png Saxon plate pauldrons 16 16 6 78 76 100 18 66 5 1348.9
Simple plate pauldrons.png Simple plate pauldrons 18 18 7 49 48 66 12 66 7 1097.9
KingdomComeVambraces.png Vambraces 10 10 4 52 59 69 8 49 3 230.2
Warhorse pauldrons.png Warhorse pauldrons TOTP 12 12 5 68 75 81 19 54 8 1
Zoul arm plate.png Zoul arm plate BOB 23 23 10 73 76 100 19 85 6 2950


  • The use of "pauldrons" is a bit inaccurate for describing the entire arm harness, as well as anachronistic. A pauldron, technically, is a large piece guarding the shoulder, collarbone area and armpit: an enlarged spaulder, which covered just the shoulder. None of the arm armours in Kingdom Come: Deliverance include pauldrons. They all have spaulders. Pauldrons developed later in the century, from about 1430 in Italy and gradually spreading north of the Alps.
  • A full plate arm harness included the spaulders or pauldrons, the lames or small articulated plates suspended from the spaulders, the rerebraces or cannons, covering the upper arms, the couters or elbow-caps, and the vambraces protecting the forearms.