Do Me A Favour - Punch Me!

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Do Me A Favour - Punch Me! is an activity in Kingdom Come: Deliverance. Milan has been organizing brawls amongst the Skalitz refugees, and Henry is invited to take part.


There's a brawler in Rattay who fights people for silver. Maybe I could beat a Groschen or two out of him.



Git gud

Speak to Milan, who will tell you about the rules of his brawls - no weapons, first on the ground loses. First though, you have to go beat Ringlet and Stephen. Go find one of them, and bet them 2 Prague Groschen that you can beat them in a fist-fight. If you win, you'll get 4 Prague Groschen, but if you lose, you'll forfeit your wager. Once you're done, go and find the other man and repeat the process.

Milan post fight

After that, you'll get to fight Milan himself. He's tougher than the other two, will dodge your punches, and has a strength stat somewhere around 6-7ish. His unarmed fight is very similar in difficulty to fighting Kunesh. The bet has risen to 4 Prague Groschen, double or nothing. There are no master strikes, only perfect blocks in unarmed combat so fighting him offensively will drain his stamina and allow for a flurry of jabs or clinch knees to the face to knock him out. Depending on Henry's strength level Milan may win the clinch consistently and it's best avoided. The perks clinch master and headcracker will make short work of Milan. Once you've beaten all three men, you have the option to fight them whenever you like. Although there is not much groschen to be made per fight, it is a great early game way to rapidly gain strength, agility, unarmed, warfare, defense, and vitality combat experience.

More Fights... exploits

  • Milan and the others do not take into account if Henry is wearing armor. With as little as a gambeson and a helmet as long as Henry has stamina, similar to wooden sparring weapons, he will take no or almost no damage.
  • The quest reward for "beat Milan" and "more fights" does not come out of the NPC's inventory but the players wager does go into their inventory. When Milan is unconscious post fight you can crouch loot back your wager, tripling your prize money. (Despite the tents to the left, there is rarely any foot traffic or NPCs within detection range. Milan will report your theft if you aren't crouched when you loot him unconscious.)
  • Milan carries roughly 15-40 groschen (+4 from each fight) on his person. Repeatedly fighting him then stealing back your groschen from his inventory earns on par with 40-50 wager games of Farkel for the same amount of in-game time while leveling your strength, agility, unarmed, warfare, defense, and vitality. Farming Milan and slowly building your fortune 6 grochen a minute is one of the most efficient and safest early game ways to earn money and train your primary stats.
  • After knocking Milan or the others out you can crouch steal their entire inventory with no negative reputation or having them become afraid of you.
  • Milan has an infinite supply of clothing after he returns home and redresses in the morning like most NPCs, which can be sold to Peshek or the other millers for quick money or used as civilian attire in the early game.
  • Milan stays knocked out for 40 seconds. You can re-challenge Milan the second he is no longer knocked out, even when he has no money in his inventory and at night.

ru:Сделай мне одолжение - ударь меня!