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Quest Info

Awakening is the fourth main quest in Kingdom Come: Deliverance. After being knocked unconscious and nearly murdered, Henry is taken to Rattay to recover.


I woke up from bad dreams. Theresa, the Skalitz miller's daughter was sitting leaning over me. It turns out it was she, together with Sir Robard and his men, who saved my life. Then she took me Rattay to uncle Peshek's mill. They looked after me the whole time I was delirious and feverish. Theresa also lost everything and is now living at her uncle's mill. I may stay here if I wish, but I have a debt to settle. My treatment was not without cost.

Quick walkthrough

  • Save your parents
    • Go to Pirkstein to see Sir Radzig

Detailed walkthrough

Henry, after being hit over the head by Runt, is plagued by feverish nightmares. In his dream, Skalitz is once again on fire, and he is forced to fight Cumans while his mother calls for help. As the player strikes the final blow against the invading enemy, Henry hearsTheresa's voice pulling him back into the real world, and you awaken.

Peshek's mill

The player character will learn that she has brought Henry to the Mill of Rattay, which belongs to her Uncle Peshek. However, Henry is still feverish, and she encourages him to go back to sleep. The player character will not be able to get up for around two weeks after Henry's encounter with Runt, at which point Theresa will tell you that Peshek has been paying for Henry's care. The quest The Good Thief starts in order to pay the debt back.

Henry is determined to find Sir Radzig and tell him what has become of his magnificent sword. Theresa is concerned that they will not even deign to grant him an audience, but Henry vows to find Markvart, avenge his parents, and return Sir Radzig's sword to its rightful owner, triggering Vengeance.


The player's next objective is to head to Rattay, where Henry needs to bribe or convince the guards to let you in the city gates. Turn right and head through the refugee camp and across the dried moat to enter the courtyard of Pirkstein, the lower castle of Rattay. At the castle stairs, Henry will find Janek and Jaroslav, the guards from Skalitz, who offer their condolences on his father's death and allow Henry inside to speak to Lord Radzig. Head up to the second story and enter the dining room at the end of the hall.

Castle Pirkstein

Inside, the lords Hanush and Radzig are dining, along with Hanush's ward, Hans Capon, the local Friar, and Sir Bernard. They discuss the turmoil gripping the country. King Sigismund, having run out of money for his knights, relies heavily on his Cuman mercenaries, allowing them to loot the land when their wages are not paid.

At this moment, Henry enters the room. Radzig is pleased to see him, but he reminds Henry that he disobeyed a direct order by leaving Talmberg. Henry apologizes, explaining that he felt compelled to bury his parents. He admits that he couldn't bury them in consecrated ground and was saved by Theresa. He also expresses his desire to retrieve the sword. Initially, Radzig is dismissive, but he eventually softens.

Despite the apprehension and outrage from the others at the table about the idea of rewarding a disobedient blacksmith who ran away, Radzig agrees to pay for Henry's basic training. This training begins with melee combat lessons under Sir Bernard's tutelage and a stint in the city guard.
