Henry of Leipa

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Henry of Leipa is a mentioned-only character in Kingdom Come: Deliverance. According to the Black Chronicle, he was the "Elder of the Province" and "Punisher of Rebels".

He is not to be confused with the real-life character Henry of Leipa (Henry I), the founder of their noble house.


He is the father of Sir Hanush of Leipa and, by extension, a relative of Henry of Pirkstein and his son Hans Capon. His family was responsible for the fall of the House of Zaluzh. Upon Henry of Pirkstein's retirement in around 1388, Henry of Leipa came to Rattay to rule on behalf of young Hans Capon, who was just a baby at that time.

During Hare Hunt, Henry (of Skalitz) learns that on his way to Rattay to assume his duties, the lord visited Talmberg and a banquet was held in his honour. That evening, a man-at-arms was found dead in the ditch, and the blame fell on Hanekin Hare, a member of the Zaluzh family, who was arrested but escaped, and fled the country, not to return for fifteen years.

Henry ruled Rattay until his death, which took place sometime before 1403, and Sir Hanush took over the duties of ruling Rattay until Lord Hans came of age.



  • There appears to be some confusion regarding dates. In Hare Hunt, Henry of Pirkstein is mentioned to have died around 15 years earlier, necessitating Henry of Leipa's journey to Rattay to assume control while Hans is still a baby, placing him at Talmberg where Hare is framed for murder. However, the codex for Hanush states that Jindřich III of Pirkštejn died in 1402, a year before the events of the game. During Keeping the Peace, Nightingale describes Jeschke as having retired before his death, so it is assumed that due to his advanced age, he willingly turned power over to his relatives.