Keeping the Peace

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Keeping the Peace
Hans and Henry fight.png
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Quest Info

Keeping the Peace is the sixth main quest in Kingdom Come: Deliverance. After undergoing basic training, Henry is ordered to enter the service of the Bailiff, who puts him on sentry duty under Nightingale.


In order to become one of Sir Radzig's men, I had to enter the service of the bailiff of Rattay. He wants me to serve on sentry duty with Nightingale the watchman.

Quick walkthrough

  • (Optional) Pick up your kit in the lower room of the armoury
  • Join Nightingale on patrol between 11:00 and 19:00
    • Solve the dispute between the armourer and the beggarwoman
      • Follow Nightingale
        • Sit down with Nightingale
  • Ring the bell
    • Close the Trader's Tavern by the market square

Detailed walkthrough

Head to the eastern part of Rattay to find the armoury, the entrance of which is located off the alleyway behind the cobblers. Speak to the guard on duty, who will issue you with a piece of light padded armour, a common bascinet, and a padded coif.


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Go to the churchyard to see Nightingale, the head watchman. He has apparently heard about how Theresa saved Henry in Skalitz, and advises you to go and thank her properly. Then he will take the player character on a brief tour, showing you the church, the Rathaus, the pillory and the swordsmith. There, the player will find the armoursmith and the loitering beggar woman having an argument. There are multiple ways the player can dissolve the argument:

  • The player character can choose to drive the beggar away.
  • The player character can let the beggar stay, much to the dismay of the armourer.
  • The player character can question the armourer's faith, leading to a speech check.

After settling the argument, Henry and Nightingale will continue on their patrol. Nightgale will tell you how Sir Hanush came to be ruling Rattay after Sir Hans' father, Sir Jeschke, retired. He will also share some of the local gossip about Wolfram Pruda's daughter.


Follow Nightingale up to the blacksmith's forge, where Henry will learn more about the town, before Nightingale notices that there is only one guard,[Benesh, at the gate. After being interrogated, Benesh confesses that his partner, Mojmir, has gone to the tavern for a drink. You and Nightingale will head off to the Tavern by the Gate to ensure the tipsy guard gets back on duty. Afterwards, the two will rest and sit down to a game of Farkle.

Night soon falls and the player character will be ordered to ring the town bell at the Rathaus, then ensure that the Traders' Tavern closes on time. The player character will have to take a torch, as Henry is not permitted to wander around town without one. Once the player has rung the bell, go back to the Trader's Tavern.

Traders' Tavern

At the tavern, Henry finds Sir Hans Capon, who is having a grand time with two of his men. When Henry tries to interrupt their revelry, Hans dismisses him, asserting his authority as the rightful Lord of Rattay and refusing to take orders from a "peasant". In response, Henry makes a remark about Hans's immaturity, which enrages Hans. Fueled by anger and insulted by Henry's lack of respect, Hans attacks him and starts a brawl.

The outcome of the brawl will be irrelevant, as a furious Lord Hanush arrives to break up the fight. Outraged by the behavior of both men, he decides to teach them a lesson in respect and discipline by ordering them to go on a hunting trip together, initiating the quest The Prey.


  • Nightingale will change the way he acts towards the other beggar depending on how the player character chooses to deal with the beggar woman. If the player was compassionate, Nightingale will completely ignore the other beggar and carry on with the patrol.
  • Any wounds Hans may have obtained while dueling Henry during Train Hard, Fight Easy may not have healed fully by the start of this quest, though his health will be automatically restored to maximum. This can manifest by his face still being bloodied. Therefore, Hans' health can be depleted quickly during the brawl if his head is still injured.
    • It is not possible to actually win the brawl with Hans, as whenever either his health or Henry's health drops too low the fight will automatically be broken up by Hanush.