Main Level

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As a player progresses through Kingdom Come: Deliverance, their character Henry will obtain new stats. Every second level, players will be able to select a perk that will allow them to design a character more suited to their own game-play style.


Level is derived from your stats and your progress through the game. It's useful for comparing your character to that of your friends. With every second level you reach, you can select one perk that will allow you to make your character more specialised.

Players get perk points at every other level up.

Main Level Perks
Icon Perk Name Description Minimum Lvl
Relieved You've confessed to all your wrongdoing and undertaken a pilgrimage of repentance. Ego te absolvo, you are cleansed of sin. Try to keep it that way! Now, when you get a good sleep (at least 4 hours), you will then learn new things faster and get better at the skills you already have. After doing penance for your sins during A Wicket Gate.

(DLC: A Woman's Lot required)

Kingdom Come scout icon.png Scout I Slighty increases the sight distance of Fast Travel and also the chances of Evading by 10% 2
Kcd ascetic perk icon.png Ascetic You'll last 30% longer without food, but as soon as you get hungry, the effects will be 20% worse. 2
Kcd manly odour icon.png Manly Odour When dirty, you'll have 50% more Charisma when talking to women. However, people will smell you a mile off, reducing your Stealth skill by 30%. 2
Kcd night rider perk icon.png Night Rider Your Stamina will regenerate 20% faster at night, but 10% slower during the day. 2
Kcd wanderer perk icon.png Wanderer You grew up in impoverished conditions, so comfort of beds is inverted to you. The worse the bed, the better you sleep, and vice versa. 2
Kcd first aid perk icon.png First Aid I Enables you to use bandages 3
Kcd insomniac perk icon.png Insomniac Increases the time you can do without sleep. Your Energy Lvl falls one quarter more slowly. 4
Kcd renegade brand perk icon.png Renegade Brand Penalties on stats following release from jail are 20% lower. 4
Kcd first aid perk icon.png First Aid II Bandages are 25% more effective. You can also apply your healing skill in dialogues. 6
Kcd savage perk icon.png Savage In the wilds you have a +1 bonus on Strength, Agility, Vitality and Speech. Can't be combined with the Burgher perk. 6
Kingdom Come scout icon.png Scout II Increases the sight distance of Fast Travel and also the chances of Evading by another 10%. 6
Kcd burgher perk icon.png Burgher In towns and villages and their immediate vicinity you have a +1 bonus on Strength, Agility, Vitality and Speech. Can't be combined with Savage perk. 6
Kcd brute perk icon.png Brute You favour brute strength to a pleasant demeanour. You get a +2 Strength bonus, but a -1 penalty on Charisma and Speech. Can't be combined with the perks Ken, Golden Tongue, Juggler or Cloak and Dagger. 8
Kcd cloak and dagger perk icon.png Cloak and Dagger You prefer to remain in the shadows. You have a +2 Stealth bonus at the cost of a -1 penalty to both Strength and Speech. Can't be combined with the perks Ken, Brute, Juggler or Golden Tongue. 8
Kcd golden tongue perk icon.png Golden Tongue You always favoured diplomacy over brute force. You get a +2 Speech bonus, but a -2 Strength loss. Can't be combined with the perks Ken, Brute, Juggler or Cloak and Dagger. 8
Kcd juggler perk icon.png Juggler You've been exceptionally supple and agile since childhood. However, turning somersaults and falling on your head has left its mark. You have a +1 Agility bonus, but a -1 penalty on Speech and Charisma. Can't be combined with the perks Ken, Brute, Golden Tongue, or Cloak and Dagger. 8
Kcd ken perk icon.png Ken You're handsome and charismatic, but you haven't built up your Strength. Charisma +2, Strength -2. Can't be combined with the perks Juggler, Brute, Golden Tongue, or Cloak and Dagger. 8
Kcd scholar perk icon.png Scholar Your momentary Reading Level increased by 3. But your Strength and Warfare skills have each incurred a -1 penalty. 8
Kcd first aid perk icon.png First Aid III Bandages are 50% more effective. For a village boy, you are quite the sawbones. The perk opens the most advanced options in dialogues connected with healing. 10
Kcd infamous perk icon.png Infamous With a low Reputation in a given area, you also get a +1 bonus on Strength, Agility, Vitality and Speech. But your Reputation rises much faster than usual and the penalties for serving jail time are less. Can't be combined with the Local Hero perk. 10
Kcd local hero perk icon.png Local Hero If your Reputation is high in an area, you get a +1 bonus on Strength, Agility, Vitality and Speech there. At the same time, though, your Reputation falls much faster than usual and the penalties for jail time last longer. Can't be combined with the Infamous perk. 10
Kingdom Come scout icon.png Scout III Greatly increases the sight distance of Fast Travel and also increases the chances of Evading by another 10%. 10
Kcd contemplative perk icon.png Contemplative As long as you remain still, your tiredness and hunger will stay at the same Level. 12