Quarry of Talmberg

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The Quarry, located west of Talmberg, is a location for the gathering of stone in Kingdom Come: Deliverance. In From the Ashes, Henry is tasked with rebuilding Pribyslavitz, which requires sourcing stone from the Quarry in order to construct the buildings.


  • Rupert (Quarry Master)
  • Jake Piper
  • Quarrymen x2
  • Blacksmith
  • Blacksmith's Apprentice



  • During the House of God, the Fallen block will be stuck in your inventory indefinitely if you do not return to the Overseer after speaking with Rupert of the Talmburg Quarry to hand it in BEFORE concluding the quest. Though it is weightless and causes no real in-game issues, it may cause psychological issues for the player, especially those of the OCD variety.