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Raiders is an activity in Kingdom Come: Deliverance. After completing Ruin, Henry is sent to see Sir Robard of Talmberg, who is having issues with roaming gangs of Cuman marauders, and wants Henry to take them out.

It's advisable to be well armed for this activity (including a dagger), and to stock up on Bane potion and lockpicks. As there's a bit of travelling, you might want to wait until you have a horse.


Cumans are pillaging around Talmberg, which Sir Divish is understandably upset about. So there's a generous bounty on their heads


  • Go to Captain Robard in Talmberg. He needs some help with the Cuman's encampments.
    • Kill the camp leader.
      • Report the camp's destruction to Robard. Don't forget the leader's faceplate.
  • Kill the camp leader.
    • Report the camp's destruction to Robard. Don't forget the leader's faceplate.
  • Kill the camp leader.
    • Report the camp's destruction to Robard. Don't forget the leader's faceplate.
  • Kill the camp leader.
    • Report the camp's destruction to Robard. Don't forget the leader's faceplate.
  • Kill the camp leader.
    • Report the camp's destruction to Robard. Don't forget the leader's faceplate.


Now you have completed Ruin, travel to Talmberg and speak to Sir Robard. There is a reward for clearing out some of the Cuman camps in the area, however nobody has survived to claim it. The Cumans, particularly the leader, are much more heavily armoured than the bandits, so you may want to tailor your approach.

Murdering a Cuman as he sleeps

As in Ruin, you can wipe out the camp by poisoning their cooking pot or wine skin, sneaking up on lone Cumans and taking them out, or just jump in with weapons at the ready. As long as you get the Cuman leader's mask, the quest will be completed, but it can be very profitable to take down the entire camp, harvest the Cuman ears, and raid the bodies.

There are five camps to wipe out, and each helmet will earn you 375 Prague Groschen, while an ear is worth 35 Prague Groschen. Once completed, Robard will tell Henry to report to Baron Sebastian, the Custodian of Sasau Monastery, to complete a similar quest - Interlopers.


  • Each camp has the following noteworthy treasure in its central chest:
    • East of Uzhitz :
      1. N/A
    • West of Uzhitz:
      1. 1x Bivoj's Rage
      2. 1x Padfoot Potion
      3. 1x Nighthawk
      4. 1x Digestion Potion
    • Southwest of Ginger's friends:
      1. 1x Bowman's Brew
      2. 1x Nighthawk
      3. Necklace
    • West of Ginger's friends:
      • N/A
    • Northwest of Talmberg:
      1. 1x Buck's Blood
      2. 1x Nighthawk
      3. 1x Lazarus
      4. Necklace
  • If the player has A Woman's Lot, all but one these camps will have one or two dogs. Oddly though, the camp northwest of Talmberg has a dog which uses the neutral dog model (as opposed to the hostile one which spawns in ambushes.)
  • The last camp that Robart asks you to raid (near Ginger's charcoal burner friends) is the biggest with 6 Cumans and up to 3 dogs. However, in rare cases the camp leader seems to be missing, most probably he has 'fallen' underground due to a graphics glitch and can therefore not be killed. If this happens, you either need to reload an earlier save or wait for 2 game weeks and return after the camp population has respawned.