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Potion recipes in Kingdom Come: Deliverance are listed here.

not to be confused with the unimplemented item recipe.

Alchemy Recipes

Recipe Description Ingredients Additional Instructions
Aesop Potion Horses and dogs will love you! Increases your Horsemanship by 5 for ten minutes, and for the same period, dogs will not bark at you. Spirits

Wild Boar's Tusk 1x

Wormwood 1x

Belladonna 1x

Comfrey 1x

  1. Drop the wormwood and tusk in the cauldron.
  2. Boil the wormwood and tusk for two turns.
  3. Leave the cauldron to cool.
  4. Grind the comfrey.
  5. Drop the belladonna and comfrey in the cauldron, but do not boil.
  6. Distil.
Aid for Merhojed A remedy that sure cure all the infected. Water

Valerian 1x Thistle 2x Charcoal 1x

  1. Drop the thistle in the cauldron and boil for two turns.
  2. Add the valerian and boil for one more turn.
  3. Leave to cool.
  4. Finally add the charcoal, but do not boil!
Aid for Merhojed A remedy that sure cure all the infected. Spirits

Valerian 2x Wormwood 1x

  1. Drop the valerian in the cauldron and boil for three turns.
  2. Leave to cool.
  3. Grind the wormwood.
  4. Drop the wormwood in the cauldron, but do not boil.
Amor Potion Other people will look up to you! Your Charisma is increased by 5 for ten minutes. Wine

Marigold 1x Chamomile 1x Wormwood 1x Antlers 1x

  1. First drop in the ground antlers, boil for one turn.
  2. Drop in the marigold and chamomile and boil for one more turn.
  3. Grind the wormwood and add it, but do not boil.
Artemisia Potion A bitter herb liquer that will put strength in your blood, but also bewilders your eyes with strange visions. Your Strength and Warfare skill are increased by 5 for ten minutes. Spirits

Wormwood 2x

Sage x1

  1. Drop in the sage and boil for one turn.
  2. Grind the wormwood.
  3. Drop the wormwood in the cauldron and cook for two turns.
  4. Distil.
Antidote Cures poisoning, whatever the cause. Water

Thistle 2x

Nettle 1x

Charcoal 1x

  1. Drop the thistle in the cauldron and boil for two turns.
  2. Then add the nettles and boil for one turn.
  3. Leave to cool.
  4. Finally add the charcoal, but do not boil!
Bane Potion Consumption causes strong nausea and massive health loss leading to death. Gradually depletes 110 Health points. Wine

Wormwood 1x Belladona 2x Fly Agaric 1x

  1. Boil the wormwood for two turns.
  2. Leave the wormwood to cool
  3. Grind the belladonna.
  4. Drop the belladonna in the cauldron, but do not boil!
  5. Finally add the fly agaric.
  6. Distil.
Bard Potion Loosens the tongue and lowers inhibitions. Increases Speech by 5 for ten minutes. Oil

Belladonna 1x St. John's Wort 1x Nettle 1xCharcoal 1x

  1. Grind the St. John's wort.
  2. Grind the nettles.
  3. Throw all the herbs in the pot.
  4. Simmer for two turns!
  5. Add charcoal so the potion is not poisonous.
Bivoj's Rage Potion Increases Strength and invokes blood frenzy - during combat it will increase the damage for 50%. Wine

Sage 2x Wormwood 1x Cave Mushroom 1x

  1. Throw the sage in the cauldron and boil for two turns.
  2. Leave to cool. Grind the wormwood.
  3. Add the wormwood, but do not boil.
  4. For better effect add the cave mushroom.
  5. Distil.
Bowman's Brew Firms the arm during archery and improves your Bow skill. Increases your Bow skill for ten minutes by 5 points. Spirits

Eyebright 2x

St. John's Wort 1x

  1. Drop the Eyebright in the cauldron and boil for three turns.
  2. Let the cauldron with the Eyebright cool.
  3. Grind the St. John's wort.
  4. Drop the St. John's wort in the cauldron, but do not boil.
Buck's Blood Potion A powerful Stamina potion to increase your endurance. Your Stamina is increased by 50% for ten minutes. Oil

St John's Wort 1x

Comfrey 1x

Dandelion 1x

  1. Grind the St. John's wort.
  2. Drop the St. John's wort and comfrey into the cauldron and boil for one turn.
  3. Leave to cool.
  4. Add the dandelions, but do not boil.
Cockerel Potion Restores energy, wakes you up and keeps the drowsiness away. Increases Energy by 20. Spirits

Valerian 1x

Mint 2x

  1. Grind the mint.
  2. Boil the mint for one turn.
  3. Add the valerian and boil for two more turns.
  4. Distil.
Dandelion Syrup Soothes your throat when you have a cough, fortifies your health. Water

Dandelion 2x Mint 1x Honeycomb 1x

  1. Grind the mint.
  2. Drop the dandelions in the cauldron and boil for one turn.
  3. Then add the mint and boil for one more turn.
  4. Finally add the honeycomb.
Digestive Potion Soothes your stomach in cases of food poisoning or overeating. Reduces Overstuffing by 20 and cures food-poisoning. Spirits

Mint 1x Chamomile 2x

  1. Grind the chamomile.
  2. Drop everything in the cauldron and simmer for one turn.
Dollmaker Potion Your muscles atrophy and you lose control of your limbs. Your entire body feels wooden and you can only move with great difficulty. Your Combat skills with weapons and without are reduced by 5 for ten minutes and your Stamina is lowered by 50%. You can't sprint. Spirits

Herb Paris 2x Valerian 1x

  1. Drop in the herb paris and boil for three turns.
  2. Grind the valerian.
  3. Leave to cool.
  4. Drop the valerian in the cauldron, but do not simmer or boil any longer.
  5. Distil.
Embrocation Eases aches of bones and joints. Increases Agility and Defense by 5 for ten minutes. Oil

Eyebright 1x Poppy 1x Valerian 1x Wild Boar's Tusk 1x

  1. Drop the poppy and valerian into the cauldron and simmer for two turns.
  2. Grind the eyebright.
  3. Drop the eyebright into the cauldron, but do not boil!
  4. Finally drop in the boar's tusk.
Hair o' the Dog Potion Makes your mornings easier, but at what price? I cures drunkenness, prevents a hangover and cures alcoholism. Your Charisma is reduced by 2 for one hour. Water

Mint 1x

St. John's Wort 1x

Sage 1x

  1. Boil the St. John's wort and sage for three turns.
  2. Leave to cool.
  3. Grind the mint.
  4. Put the mint in the cauldron.
  5. Distill
Lazarus Potion In the space of five minutes adds 100 Health dispels a hangover. Cancels the effects of Marigold Decoction. Water

Comfrey 2x Valerian 1x

  1. Boil the valerian for one turn.
  2. Grind the comfrey.
  3. Add the comfrey to the valerian and boil for one turn.
  4. Distil.
Lethean Water Drink one mouthful and you'll forget all earthly experience. Obliterates all perk points, so they can be used elsewhere. Spirits

Wormwood 2x

Belladona 1x

Fly Agaric 1x

  1. Grind the wormwood.
  2. Put the wormwood and belladonna in the cauldron.
  3. Brew the wormwood and belladonna for three turns.
  4. Add the fly agaric.
  5. Distil.
Lullaby Potion Makes user fall asleep in no time. Energy reduced to 0. Oil

Poppy 1x Thistle 1x Herb Paris 1x

  1. Drop the poppy in the cauldron and boil for one turn.
  2. Add the thistle and boil for one more turn.
  3. Leave to cool and then add the herb paris.
Marigold Decoction Within one minute will add 30 Health and dispel hangover effects. Cancels the effects of Lazarus Potion. Water

Nettle 1x Marigold 2x

  1. Drop the nettle in the water and cook for one turn.
  2. Leave to cool.
  3. Drop in the marigold, but don't boil it any more.
Mind Enfeeblement Potion Makes a fool of the imbiber. Wine

Sage 1x

Thistle 2x

  1. Grind the sage.
  2. Throw the thistle in the cauldron and boil for one turn.
  3. Add the sage and boil for one turn.
  4. Distil.
Nighthawk Potion The slightly toxic substances in the potion dilate your pupils, so your night vision is improved. For ten minutes you can see better in the dark. Water

Eyebright 2x

Belladonna 1x

Cave Mushroom 1x

  1. Grind the eyebright.
  2. Drop the eyebright and belladonna in the cauldron.
  3. Boil the eyebright and belladonna for three turns.
  4. Add the cave mushroom.
  5. Distil.
Padfoot Potion Improves your hearing and lightens your step. Lockpicking, Pickpocketing and Stealth are increased by 5 for ten minutes. Water

Valerian 1x Eyebright 1x Chamomile 1x Cobweb 1x

  1. Drop the cobweb and eyebright in the cauldron.
  2. Boil the mixture for three turns.
  3. Grind the valerian.
  4. Add the valerian to the cauldron and boil for one turn.
  5. Leave the cauldron to cool.
  6. Grind the chamomile.
  7. Add the chamomile to the cauldron, but do not boil.
Poison A potion that poisons anyone who consumes it - makes health gradually deplete by 50. Oil

Herb Paris 2x Thistle 1x

  1. Drop the thistle in the cauldron and boil for one turn.
  2. Leave to cool.
  3. Add the paris, but do not boil!
Preserver Keeps food fresh for longer and can even turn spoiled foostufs into edible ones. Oil

Nettle 1x Mint 1x St. John's Wort 1x

  1. Grind the mint.
  2. Grind the nettles.
  3. Drop the mint and nettles in the cauldron.
  4. Boil for one turn.
  5. Add the St. John's wort, but do not boil it any more.
  6. Distil.
Saviour Schnapps A liquor of exotic fragrance. Drinking it is an experience that can't be forgotten.Saves Game. Wine

Belladonna x2

Nettles x1

  1. Prepare wine.
  2. Place one handful of nettles into wine.
  3. Boil for two turns.
  4. Grind two handfuls of belladonna.
  5. Place ground belladonna into cauldron.
  6. Boil for one turn.
  7. Take phial and collect the schnapps!
Moonshine A strong alcoholic drink. Watch out for the hangover! Spirits

St. John's Wort 1x

Sage 1x

Mint 1x

  1. Drop the St. John's wort in the cauldron and boil for one turn.
  2. Grind the sage.
  3. Grind the mint.
  4. Drop the sage and mint in and boil for one more turn.
  5. Distil.
Tiredness Potion Drugs you to a comfortable state of inner tranquility. Oil

Chamomile 1x Poppy 2x

  1. Boil the poppy for one turn.
  2. Grind the chamomile.
  3. Add the chamomile and boil for one more turn.
Aqua Vitalis You feel like Achilles and can withstand wounds easily. For five minutes, strikes will wound you 50% less. Water

Marigold 1x Dandelion 2x

  1. Boil the dandelions for one turn.
  2. Grind the marigold.
  3. Add the marigold and boil for one more turn.
  4. Distil.
Witch Potion The user will lose control of himself and will even sell his soul to the Devil. His hallucinations, delusions and anxiety will be more intense. OilMarigold 1xBelladonna 1xHerb Paris 1x
  1. Boil the herb paris for one turn.
  2. Grind the marigold.
  3. Add the marigold to the cauldron and boil for one more turn.
  4. Grind the belladonna.
  5. Add the belladonna to the cauldron, but do not boil any more.