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Skin is an activity in Kingdom Come: Deliverance. Brada, the tanner of Talmberg wants Henry to bring him animal hides.

You will need a hunting level of minimum 5, and the perk tanner.


Brada the tanner wants animal hides. And he pays quite well for them.


  • Find out what kind of pelts the tanner wants
  • Find out what kind of pelts the tanner wants
  • Find out what kind of pelts the tanner wants


Henry visits Brada, who tells him that he is only allowed to buy animal hides from the Master Huntsman, who never supplies him with enough to meet demand. Unfortunately, poaching is highly illegal, and Brada dares not risk it. However, he asks Henry if he should 'stumble across' any skins, to collect them and bring them to him, and he'll gladly pay, and even teach him something useful.

Hunting hares

First, the monastery has ordered some hare hides to make belts. Hares are quite common, so keep your eye out in any of the nearby woods. You will need to have a hunting level of at least 5, and the tanner perk. Take off any noisy equipment and remember that not every hare gives pelts, so keep going until you have three, then take them back to Brada, who will give you 70 Prague Groschen.

Next, the cobbler is requesting boar skins to make shoes. Go west til you are just north of Merhojed, where there are several boar dens. Collect your pelts and return them to earn another 70 Prague Groschen.

Finally, a local merchant wants a red deer skin to hang on his wall - evidently so he can brag that he hunted the magnificent beast himself. Head back to the hunting area north of Merhojed and track down a red deer buck - they're the brown ones with the antlers. You'll net yourself another 70 Prague Groschen. Brada will say he'll teach you something like he promised, but this appears to be bugged, as hunting XP doesn't increase from this.

