Thicker than Water

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Thicker than Water is the third main quest of Theresa's arc in the A Woman's Lot DLC in Kingdom Come: Deliverance.


Skalitz is under attack! Pa and Stibor were killed in front of my eyes, Zbyshek fled like a coward and left me to the mercy of the raiders. I managed to get away, but I'm not out of danger yet. And neither is my little brother, Samuel, who works in the mines.


  • Flee and lose the attackers!
    • Get to the mines and find Samuel.
    • (Optional) Explore the southern mineshaft.
    • (Optional) Explore the western mineshaft.
    • (Optional) Explore the eastern mineshaft.


Start by sneaking behind the Cuman rifling through the trunk and stealth kill him (there's no option to knock him out; Theresa either lacks the strength for it or is simply in no mood to take prisoners). Take his sword and other useful items; Theresa can't wear his armor and there won't be any merchants to sell it to, so there's no point taking those.

Creep back to the main hall, making sure you're not seen or heard by the Cumans outside, and climb through the window into the barn. Cross the stream south to check out the three mine shafts. An overturned wheelbarrow outside the southern shaft has a Saviour Schnapps, although the shaft itself is collapsed and inaccessible. To get to the eastern shaft, enter the compound and sneak along the wooden palisade, knifing (or fighting if necessary) any lone guards encountered. Remember that you can win any one-on-one by siccing your dog on the enemy.

The miners emerge to a burning Skalitz

At the eastern shaft, Theresa finds Matthew, Fritz, and an incapacitated Cuman (whom Fritz finishes off). Samuel is inside the mine, too wounded to go with the other miners when they escape to Talmberg, so Theresa stays behind with him.