Unexpected Visit (Theresa)

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Unexpected Visit is the second main quest of Theresa's arc in the A Woman's Lot DLC in Kingdom Come: Deliverance.


Yesterday's chores were anything but routine. Let's hope it's quieter today.


  • Talk to Father.
    • Pick up the nails from the blacksmith.
  • (optional) Feed the chickens.
  • (optional) Feed the dog.


After recovering the stolen silver ore from the Skalitz mines, Theresa's father presents her with the 'surprise' promised that morning: a new dress for the village dance that night. Unfortunately this is so she can meet her fiancé to be Master Tobias Feyfar; Theresa can choose to be mildly or extremely upset at being matched with such an old man. That night, she approaches the dance, but walks away after a while looking wistfully at the scene.

The next morning, new chores await. Feed the chickens and dog again (take more meat from the shelves if you need it). Zbyshek at the gate has been beaten up by Henry; a bandage for him can be found in the trunk next to the stove. Theresa speaks with her father, then goes to pick up the nails from Martin that didn't get made yesterday. Stop by the tavern and talk to Bianca for a Saviour Schnapps.

A Cuman about to finish off Theresa's father

After arriving in time to witness the completion of Sir Radzig Kobyla's sword and having a quick chat with Henry, Theresa returns to the mill. Her day is ruined when the Sack of Skalitz commences; she watches the Cumans kill her father and brother, while Zbyshek shoves her into a Cuman and runs off. Only Henry's sudden appearance allows her to escape back into her home and bolt the door.


  • This quest shares a name with the first quest of the main game's prologue, which takes place at the same time.