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Torturer is an Achievement in Kingdom Come: Deliverance.

How to Obtain

In the quest Thirty Pieces, leave Jakey tied up for 12 hours.

Jakey.png I'm glad you're here, Henry. I thought I'd be stuck here till Judgement Day.
Henry.png What the fuck are you doing here?
Jakey.png Ah... I picked up this wench at the inn, see? And we wanted to go somewhere quiet.
Jakey.png Only the bitch whacked me on the head with a rock and fucked off with all my coin!
Henry.png Did she now? And which way did she go?
Jakey.png I haven't a clue, but I reckon as far away from her father as she can get. She won't be going back in a hurry. I've met some mad wenches in my time, but that one was a piece of work!
Jakey.png She could have just asked me for coin instead of trying to smash my skull right away. And then to leave me like this!