A Rock and a Hard Place

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A Rock and a Hard Place is a side quest in Kingdom Come: Deliverance, given to Henry by Matthew at the Inn in the Glade after completing the side quest Besmirched.


Matthew and Fritz want to raid the quarry in Talmberg. It looks dangerous, but if we´re successful we´ll be rich.


  • Find out when they´re going to transport the coin from Talmberg to the quarry.
  • (Optional) Find a way to make sure as few guards as possible transport the money.


After completing the side quest Besmirched go back to the Inn in the Glade and speak with Matthew in the evening, he will tell you about his plan to get rich fast.

There are four main endings to this quest, several of them being intertwined with the quest Gallows Brothers :

  • Steal the coin and put the blame on Matthew and Fritz.
  • Steal the coin and put the blame on Andrew.
  • Steal the coin and put the blame on Andrew, Matthew and Fritz (this unlocks the Judas achievement).
  • The fourth choice is arguably the best one, as it allows you to keep your friends Matthew and Fritz alive and recruit them to Pribislavitz :

"Most Moral Choice"

If players wish to fulfill the arguably most "moral" approach to this questline, meaning, not having to make the quarrymen be without pay, and not having to kill anyone, and avoiding bugs, then all that one must do is this:

  1. Speak to Matthew and accept the quest.
  2. Do not speak to Andrew so as to not start the quest Gallows Brothers.
  3. Ride to Talmberg castle and speak with Captain Robard. Convince him to send fewer soldiers to guard the coin, completing the "Fewer Guards" objective. Speak with the stablemaster to find out when the coin will be delivered.
  4. Wait for Matthew and Fritz to arrive on the cliff overlooking the quarry and speak to Matthew. Go through the dialogue until you have the option to wait the 5 days with your friends or come back later, and choose the come back later option.
  5. Return to Talmberg and fully climb the stairs until you reach the tower. There is "Very Hard" locked chest near the ladder.
  6. Pick the lock of the chest and take the money, BUT, leave 3k Groschen of your own inside.
  7. Return to Matthew and Fritz at the quarry overlook.
  8. Share the money with both of them.


  • Following a previous version of this walkthrough resulted in Matthew and Fritz being bugged and permanently standing on the west side of the Inn at the Glade after completing the quest. To avoid this bug you must accept the quest from Matthew and progress to the point of waiting 5 days for the heist to proceed, before you steal the money from Talmberg.
  • This side quest A Rock and a Hard Place and the side quest Gallows Brothers are linked together and linked with the achievement/trophy Judas.
  • If you use the "Most Moral Choice" approach and have trained your lockpicking skills in Skalitz, you can make your life a little easier by opening the chest during your first visit to Talmberg during the Prologue. The safest way is to do it after Captain Robard woke you up and all guards are on the walls. If you do that you can rob the money directly without having to lockpick the chest again.
  • Bugs: If player saves while waiting for the guards to move to the quarry, then reloads said save, the guards can get stuck and never reach the location - waiting for them to arrive (as Matthew offers) ends up with endless waiting wheel. The mission still can be resolved by killing guards and robbing them, but Matthew and Fritz proceed to be bugged at their return to the inn. It is recommended to revert to a previous save before the waiting section begins.
  • If you follow the "Most Moral Choice" and don't speak to Andrew, you avoid the quest Gallows Brothers entirely and can recruit Matthew and Fritz for Pribyslavice right away without having to frame Andrew first.
  • After speaking to the stablemaster, you have the option to go see the herbalist in order to either poison the horses (if you want to go through with the heist, this reduces the amount of guards even more) or heal them. In order to heal them, you will need a Digestion potion. Bringing the potion to the stablemaster will give you a reward (a few Groschen and Alchemy XP).

ru:Куда ни кинь-везде клин